Iterate Files (ModelBuilder)
This tool is intended for use in ModelBuilder and not in Python scripting.
The File Extension option allows you to iterate over files with a particular extension. For example, if you only want files with the extension of .log to be iterated, set the File Extension parameter to log.
If the file appears as a dataset in the Catalog window, then Iterate Files will skip the file. The most common examples are shape files, dbf files, raster files (jpg, tif, img, png, bmp), CAD files (dxf, dwg), map files (mxd), and personal geodatabases (mdb).
The tool has two outputs: Output File and Name which could be used as in-line variable (for example %Name%) in other tools.
Most tools honor the output file format from the Iterate Files tool except tools like Copy, which requires you to define the file extension in the output name. Example—If you are using the Iterate Files tool to iterate .zip files for use as input to the Copy tool, the output name must contain the extension or
If an Iterator is added to a model, all tools in the model iterate for each value in the iterator. If you do not want to run each tool in the model for each iterated value, create a sub-model/model within a model/nested model that contains only the iterator and add it as a model tool into the main model.
Parameter | Explanation | Data Type |
in_folder |
Folder in which the input files are located. | Folder |
wildcard (Optional) |
Combination of * and characters that help to limit the results. The asterisk is the same as saying ALL. If no wildcard is specified, all inputs will be returned. For example, it can be used to restrict Iteration over input names starting with a certain character or word (e.g., A* or Ari* or Land*,and so on). | String |
extension (Optional) |
The file extension, such as TXT, ZIP, and so on. Only files with the extension will be iterated. Do not use a period before the file extension. | String |
recursive (Optional) |
Determines if all subfolders of the main folder will be recursively iterated through.
| Boolean |