Setting the language for linguistic analysis in ArcSDE geodatabases for SQL Server Express

At the time Microsoft SQL Server Express is installed, the default language that will be used for full-text indexing and searching is set to match the language of the database server if that language is supported for linguistic analysis. Therefore, if the language of the text in your XML documents matches the database server's default full-text language setting, your XML documents will be indexed and searched correctly. However, if the language of the text in your XML columns does not match the database server's default full-text language setting and the language of your documents is supported for linguistic analysis, the text in your XML documents will not be accurately indexed and searched. The wrong language will be used for linguistic analysis. A method is not provided with ArcGIS Server Workgroup to change the language that will be used to index the contents of an XML column.

If you are configuring your database for XML columns to support an ArcIMS metadata service, a utility is provided with ArcIMS to help you determine the default language that will be used by SQL Server for linguistic analysis: WorkgroupXMLLanguage.exe. Use this utility to change the language that will be used to index all XML columns in the geodatabase if the language of the text in your XML columns does not match the database server's default full-text language setting.

The language of linguistic analysis must be set correctly before an XML column or an ArcIMS metadata service is created. See the ArcIMS Help for more details about the WorkgroupXMLLanguage utility.


If the database server's language is not supported in SQL Server Express for linguistic analysis, a default setting, neutral, is used instead. You may be able to index and search your documents with some degree of success with the default setting if all words in your language are separated by white space and punctuation. Check the Microsoft Web site to determine whether your language is supported for linguistic analysis; search for "sys.fulltext_languages".

  1. The WorkgroupXMLLanguage.exe utility must be run on the machine where the SQL Server Express with Advanced Services instance (the database server) is installed. If ArcIMS is installed on a different machine, you must copy the <ArcIMS installation location>\Metadata\Commands folder to the machine where SQL Server Express with Advanced Services is installed.
  2. Make sure the database server is running.
  3. Run WorkgroupXMLLanguage.exe to check the default language for linguistic analysis.
  4. If the default language is not the one you need to use for linguistic analysis, choose a different language from the drop-down menu.
If the XML column contains XML documents written in more than one language, you must use the neutral setting. Stemming will not be performed when indexing the text when the neutral setting is used.
