Transforming event measures using the field calculator

There are two ways you can transform event measures. First, in ArcMap, if the required transformation is constant, you can use the field calculator. For example, you can use the field calculator to easily transform event measures between feet and miles. Second, you can use the Transform Route Events tool to transform one route reference to another. This output will be a new event table.

To be transformed successfully, the input events must be within a specified tolerance of the routes in the target route reference. The default search tolerance is 0. The output event table contains all the input event table's attributes, but the route identifier and measure location information are from the target route reference.

  1. If you have not already started an edit session, click the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar and click Start Editing.
  2. Open the table you want to start editing.
  3. Choose the records you want to update, otherwise, calculations will be applied to all records.
  4. Right-click the field heading for which you want to make a calculation and click Calculate Values.
  5. Use the Fields and Functions lists to build a calculation expression. You can also edit the expression in the text area below.
  6. Finally, you can type a value to set the field.
  7. Click OK.
You can calculate field values outside an edit session. You will not, however, be able to undo your changes.

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Published 6/7/2010