Finding a route location

  1. Click the Find tool on the ArcMap Tools toolbar.
  2. Click the Linear Referencing tab.
  3. Click the Route Reference drop-down arrow and click the layer that is the route reference.
  4. Optionally, click the Load Routes button.
  5. Click the Route drop-down arrow and click the route.
  6. Alternatively, type the route identifier in the Route drop-down list.
  7. Choose whether the route location will be point or line.
  8. Type the route measure information.
  9. Click Find.
  10. Right-click the found route location and explore the context choices available to you.
The Find dialog box pays attention to the route identifier field. If you have not set the route identifier field, you will need to click the Route Identifier drop-down arrow and click the field to be used for the route identifier between steps 3 and 4.

Learn more about setting the route identifier field

When you draw or label a route location, ArcMap default symbol properties are used.

Learn more about the ArcMap default symbol properties

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Published 6/7/2010