Creating an sde user and user group on IBM z/OS

To install the ArcSDE component, you must create a primary authorization ID in RACF on z/OS (sde by default) with access to the Time Sharing Option (TSO). For information on creating users via RACF, refer to the z/OS administration manual.

To simplify user authority management, a secondary authorization ID (a user group in RACF on z/OS) is recommended. You need to enable the secondary authorization IDs on z/OS. Refer to the z/OS manual for information on enabling secondary authorization.

Only the user who is responsible for managing the GIS data and the ArcSDE geodatabase should log in as the sde user. Other ArcGIS users should connect using accounts other than sde.

  1. Create a stand-alone user account named sde in the system using RACF.
  2. Create a user group, such as sdeusers, on z/OS using RACF. To do this, submit the name of the group on VM14 to your EC.
  3. Add the sde user to the sdeusers group using RACF.

To connect to the geodatabase as the administrative user from the Windows client machine where the ArcSDE component is installed, a local Windows userwith the same name (sde) as specified for the connection to the server must be present on the client machine. This user does not require any special permission. To create a local Windows user, refer to Microsoft's Windows documentation.

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