Creating remainder parcels
This topic applies to ArcEditor and ArcInfo only.
When replacing existing parcels with new parcels, you can create remainder parcels from parcel areas not covered by the replacing parcels. Remainder parcels can be created when
- New parcels are overlaid on top of existing parcels to represent a parcel annexation.
- Parcels are subdivided into new parcels, and there is an area left over from the subdivision.
The parcel remainder tool can be used to create remainder parcels when doing parcel annexations.
When subdividing parcels by area using the parcel division tool, you also have the option to create remainder parcels.
When a remainder parcel is created, the original parcel is always preserved and flagged as historic.
To display historic parcels, right-click in empty space in the Parcel Explorer window and click View Historic Parcels.
- In an edit session in ArcMap, click the Select Parcel Features tool on the Parcel Editor menu, select the parcel that overlays the parcel or parcels that will be remainder parcels, right-click, then click Parcel Remainder.
- In the Parcel Remainder box, click the Plan button to select a plan from the Plan Directory dialog box for the remainder parcel(s).
- If you have defined parcel templates, click the Template button to specify a feature template for the remainder parcel.
- Specify a name for the remainder parcel in the text box next to Parcel(s) name.
- Check the parcel or parcels that will be created as remainder parcels under Choose the parcels to create remainders for.
- Click OK to create the remainder parcels and close the Parcel Remainder dialog box.
To create a remainder parcel, follow these steps: