Creating new parcels using divide by area

This topic applies to ArcEditor and ArcInfo only.

    Before working with the Parcel Division dialog box, make sure your editor units are set correctly. The bearing you enter for the parcel split lines will be in the units currently set for the editor.
  1. To set editor units, click the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar and click Options.
  2. Click the Units tab on the Editing Options dialog box.
  3. Click the Direction Type and Direction Units drop-down boxes to set angular units for the editor.
  4. In an edit session in ArcMap, click the Select Parcel Features tool Select Parcel Features on the Parcel Editor menu, right-click the parcel you want to divide, then click Parcel Division. If you are working in fabric jobs, open the job, right-click a parcel, then click Parcel Division.
  5. If you are working in manual mode using fabric jobs, you will right-click the parcel you are subdividing in an open fabric job.
  6. In the Parcel Division dialog box, click the Plan button to select a plan or record of survey from the Plan Directory dialog box for the newly subdivided parcels.
  7. TipTip:

    If you are not using plans, you can select the default <map> plan from the Plan Directory dialog box.

  8. If you are using templates, click the Template button to set a feature template for the new parcels.
  9. Click the drop-down list under Divide this parcel to select how to divide the parcel:
    • In equal widths
      1. Specify the number of parts or parcels to create in the Number of parts text box. Parcels are created with areas of equal width.
      2. Type a bearing for the split lines that will divide the parcel in the Split-line bearing text box. Depending on the bearing you type, the Starting from the drop-drop down list will update to display North/South or East/West options for selection.
      3. Click the drop-down box next to Starting from the to select the direction from which to start creating parcels.
      4. Type a width for the parts or parcels in the Width of each part is text box.
      5. If you want to create a remainder parcel, click the Create a remainder parcel check box. To merge the remainder parcel with the adjacent parcel, type maximum area value for the remainder parcel under Merge Remainder if it is less than. Remainder parcels that have an area greater than the value you specified will not be merged.
      6. Click the Activate parcel namer tool when I click OK check box to activate the parcel namer tool after the new parcels have been created. The mouse cursor will change to the crosshairs tool that can be used to drag a line over a sequence of parcels to be named.
      7. Click OK on the Parcel Division dialog box to subdivide the parcel using the method you have chosen.
    • By proportional area
      1. Specify the number of parts or parcels to create in the Number of parts text box. Parcels are proportioned into equal areas to subdivide the entire parcel. There is no remainder parcel.
      2. Type a bearing for the split lines that will divide the parcel in the Split-line bearing text box. Depending on the bearing you type, the Starting from the drop-drop down list will update to display North/South or East/West options for selection.
      3. Click the drop-down box next to Starting from the to select the direction from which to start creating parcels.
      4. Click the Activate parcel namer tool when I click OK check box to activate the parcel namer tool after the new parcels have been created. The mouse cursor will change to the crosshairs tool that can be used to drag a line over a sequence of parcels to be named.
      5. Click OK on the Parcel Division dialog box to subdivide the parcel using the method you have chosen.
    • Into equal areas
      1. Specify the number of parts or parcels to create in the Number of parts text box. Parcels are created with areas that are equal to the area value that is specified.
      2. Type a bearing for the split lines that will divide the parcel in the Split-line bearing text box. Depending on the bearing you type, the Starting from the drop-drop down list will update to display North/South or East/West options for selection.
      3. Click the drop-down box next to Starting from the to select the direction from which to start creating parcels.
      4. Type an area for the parts or parcels in the Area of each part is text box.
      5. If you want to create a remainder parcel, click the Create a remainder parcel check box. To merge the remainder parcel with the adjacent parcel, type maximum area value for the remainder parcel under Merge Remainder if it is less than. Remainder parcels that have an area greater than the value you specified will not be merged.
      6. Click the Activate parcel namer tool when I click OK check box to activate the parcel namer tool after the new parcels have been created. The mouse cursor will change to the crosshairs tool that can be used to drag a line over a sequence of parcels to be named.
      7. Click OK on the Parcel Division dialog box to subdivide the parcel using the method you have chosen.
  10. Once the parent parcel is subdivided, it is flagged as historic.
