Editing the parcel fabric in manual mode using fabric jobs
This topic applies to ArcEditor and ArcInfo only.
Parcel fabric jobs are containers for one or more parcels being edited. Manually created parcel fabric jobs are often used to represent tasks, for example, creating a parcel fabric job for a block subdivision or parcel merge. Parcel fabric jobs track parcel edits with a date and time stamp and can be saved and reopened for continued work.
To edit parcels in fabric jobs, the parcel fabric edit mode needs to be set to Manual. This setting can be found on the Parcel Editor Options dialog box. You can open the dialog box by clicking the Parcel Editor menu and clicking Options. Once the edit mode is set to Manual, job-workflow commands such as Modify and Finish Job are enabled on the Parcel Editor menu on the Parcel Editor toolbar.
Automatically created jobs
A fabric editing job is automatically created for you when you select a parcel or group of parcels, click the Parcel Editor menu,then click Modify. The selected parcels are opened in a job and are available for editing. The surrounding parcels are dimmed.
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Extracting parcels into a job |
Once editing is complete, the job is posted back to the fabric layer by clicking Parcel Editor > Finish Job. The job is then available in the Job Book and can be reopened for continued editing.
Creating a fabric job manually
If using job-workflow functionality to edit the parcel fabric, you can also manually create parcel fabric jobs that have titles, operator names, descriptions, and so on. Manually created jobs behave like automatically created fabric jobs, except you can explicitly define which parcels are to be edited without having to open the job.
In manually created jobs, you can specify the parcels you want to edit and, optionally, the surrounding job parcels. Surrounding job parcels can be used for reference when joining new parcels to the parcel fabric. When creating new parcels in jobs, you need to ensure that you have added a sufficient number of reference or surrounding parcels to the job so that your new parcel can be joined in the appropriate location.
When adding parcels as edit parcels to a manually created job, parcels neighboring your edit parcels are added to the job by default. You can add parcels using a radius buffer or by manual selection on the map.
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Creating a job and specifying the parcels to be edited |
Finishing/Posting parcel fabric jobs
After you have finished editing in a fabric job, you post the job back to the parcel fabric layer. All updates and edits performed in the fabric job are applied to the parcel fabric as a single edit when the job is finished. You need to save the edit session to commit the changes from the fabric job to the geodatabase. You can discard the changes made to the latest extract of a parcel fabric job by clicking the Discard Changes command on the Parcel Editor menu. The parcel fabric job reverts to the last submitted version of the job.
Job book
All automatically and manually created jobs are saved in the Job Book and can be reopened for continued edits. To open the Job Book, click Parcel Editor > Job Book. To open a job on the Job Book dialog box, you can either double-click the job row or right-click the job row and click Open. You can also right-click a job row and click Properties to view the parcels in the job and customize the job with a description, title, and so on.
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Job Book displaying jobs created in manual mode |

If the parcel fabric edit mode is changed to automatic, jobs in the Job Book cannot be reopened for continued editing.