Creating new points along a line

Construct Points creates new point features at intervals along a selected line. For instance, you could use Construct Points to place utility poles along an electric line. You can create a specific number of points that are evenly spaced, or you can create points at an interval you choose based on distances or m-values.

When creating the points, you have three options:

For any of these options, you can create additional points at the start and end of the line.

  1. Click the Edit tool Edit Tool on the Editor toolbar.
  2. Click the line feature along which you want to generate points.
  3. Click the Editor menu and click Construct Points.
  4. Choose the target in which the new feature will be created.
    • If you have feature templates for the layers in your map, click the Template button and click the template to use to create the new feature. You can also double-click the preview of the template to choose a different template.
    • If you do not have feature templates, click the layer in which to create the feature.
  5. Choose how you want the points to be created.

    Number of points

    Creates a specific number of points that are spaced evenly along the line. Click this option and type the number of points to create.


    Creates points at a specific interval in map units. Click this option, type the interval, then click whether the points should originate from the start or end of the line. Arrows are drawn on the map to indicate the direction of the line.

    By measures (m-values)

    Creates points at a specific interval based on m-values along the line. Click this option, type the interval, then click whether the points should originate from the start or end of the line. Arrows are drawn on the map to indicate the direction of the line.

  6. Choose whether to place additional points at the start and end of the line.
  7. Click OK.

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