Exercise 5d: Transferring attributes between features

Complexity: Intermediate Data Requirement: ArcGIS Tutorial Data Setup Data Path: \ArcGIS\ArcTutor\Editing\SpatialAdjustment

About transferring attributes

The Attribute Transfer tool is used to transfer attributes from features in a source layer to features in a target layer. Source and target layers and the attributes to be transferred are defined on the Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box. The Attribute Transfer tool is then used to interactively transfer those attributes between features of the source and target layers.

In this exercise, you will transfer the street name and type from an existing street to a new street recently added to the database.

Setting up the data and attribute transfer options


Start ArcMap and display the Editor, Snapping, and Spatial Adjustment toolbars.

  1. Click the Open button Open on the Standard toolbar.
  2. Navigate to the AttributeTransfer.mxd map document located in the \Editing\SpatialAdjustment directory where you installed the tutorial data. (C:\ArcGIS\ArcTutor is the default location.)
  3. Click the map and click Open.
  4. If you still have the map document open from the previous exercise and are prompted to close it, you can do so without saving your changes.
  5. Click the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar and click Start Editing.
  6. Close the Create Features window. You will not need it in this exercise.
  7. Before you transfer attributes, set your snapping environment for your source and target layers. This will ensure that you select the correct feature when using the Attribute Transfer tool.
  8. Ensure edge snapping is enabled. If it is not, click Edge Snapping Edge Snapping on the Snapping toolbar.
  9. The first step in the Attribute Transfer process is to set the source and target layers. The Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box allows you to define these settings.
  10. Click the Spatial Adjustment menu and click Attribute Transfer Mapping.
  11. Click the Source Layer drop-down arrow and click the Streets layer.
  12. Click the Target Layer drop-down arrow and click the NewStreets layer.
    Attribute Transfer Mapping dialog box
  13. The next step is to specify which fields to use for the attribute transfer. You will select a field in the source layer and match it to a corresponding field in the target layer. The Attribute Transfer tool uses these matched fields to determine which data to transfer.
  14. Click the NAME field in the Source Layer field list box.
  15. Click the NAME field in the Target Layer field list box.
  16. Click Add.

    The fields are now added to the Matched Fields list.

  17. Repeat the same steps for the Type fields and click OK.

Using the Attribute Transfer tool

  1. Click Bookmarks and click New streets to set the current view to the edit area of this exercise.
    Study for transferring attributes between road features
  2. Prior to performing the attribute transfer, verify the attributes of the source and target features. This can be done using the Identify tool.
  3. Click the Identify tool Identify on the Tools toolbar.
  4. Click the source feature indicated, as shown below.
    Source and target features
  5. Notice the NAME and Type field attributes. These attribute values will be transferred to the target feature.
    Result of identifying the source feature
  6. With the Identify tool still active, click the target feature.
    Result of identifying the target feature before the attribute transfer
  7. Notice the NAME and Type fields; attribute values for these fields will be transferred from the Streets layer.
  8. You will now use the Attribute Transfer tool to transfer the source feature attributes to the target feature.
  9. Click the Attribute Transfer tool Attribute Transfer Tool on the Spatial Adjustment toolbar.
  10. Snap to an edge of the source feature, as shown below:
    Clicking the source feature
  11. Drag the link toward the target feature.
  12. Snap to an edge of the target feature and click.
    Clicking the target feature
  13. To transfer the attributes of a source feature to multiple target features, hold down the SHIFT key while selecting the target features.

Verifying the results of the attribute transfer

Now that you have transferred the attributes from the source feature to the target feature, it is a good idea to verify that the target feature was updated with the proper information.

  1. Click the Identify tool Identify on the Tools toolbar.
  2. Click the target feature. The NAME and Type fields in the target feature reflect the new attributes.
    Result of identifying the target feature after the attribute transfer
  3. Click the Editor menu on the Editor toolbar and click Stop Editing.
  4. Click Yes to save your edits.
  5. Close ArcMap.

In this exercise, you learned how to transfer attributes from a source layer to a target layer. You have now completed the editing tutorials.
