Calculate End Time (Data Management)


Calculates the end time of features based on the time values stored in another field.

In the illustration below, the end time values in the End_Time field are calculated using the time values in the Start_Time field. The end time value for a feature is equal to the start time of the next feature. However, for the last feature in the table, the end time value is calculated to be the same as the start time value of the feature.


Calculate End Time illustration



CalculateEndTime_management (in_table, start_field, end_field, {fields})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The feature class or table for which an End_Time field is calculated based on the Start_Time field specified.

Table View

The field containing values that will be used to calculate values for the End_Time field. The Start_Time field and the End_Time field must be of the same type. For example, if the Start_Time field is of type LONG, then the End_Time field should be of type LONG as well.


The field that will be populated with values based on the Start_Time field specified. The Start_Time field and the End_Time field must be of the same format.


The name of the field or fields that can be used to uniquely identify spatial entities. These fields are used to first sort based on entity type if there is more than one entity. For instance, for a feature class representing population values per state over time, the state name could be the unique value field (the entity). If population figures are per county, you would need to set the county name and state name as the unique value fields, since some county names are the same for different states. If there is only one entity, this parameter can be ignored.


Code Sample

CalculateEndTime example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the CalculateEndTime tool in immediate mode.

import arcpy
CalculateEndTime example 2 (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the CalculateEndTime tool.

# Name:
# Description: Calculate end time based on a start time field
# Requirements: None

# Import system modules
import arcpy

# Set local variables
inTable = "C:/Data/TemporalData.gdb/CalculateEndTime"
uniqueIdFields = ""
startTimeField = "Start_Time"
endTimeField = "End_Time"
# Execute CalculateEndDate
arcpy.CalculateEndTime_management(inTable, startTimeField, endTimeField, uniqueIdFields)


This tool does not use any geoprocessing environments

Related Topics

Licensing Information

ArcView: Yes
ArcEditor: Yes
ArcInfo: Yes
