Copy Raster (Data Management)


Makes a copy of a raster dataset or loads raster datasets into a raster catalog.



CopyRaster_management (in_raster, out_rasterdataset, {config_keyword}, {background_value}, {nodata_value}, {onebit_to_eightbit}, {colormap_to_RGB}, {pixel_type})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The name and location of the raster dataset to be copied.

Raster layer

The name and location of the raster dataset to be created.

When storing the raster dataset in a file format, you need to specify the file extension:

  • .bil—ESRI BIL
  • .bip—ESRI BIP
  • .bmp—BMP
  • .bsq—ESRI BSQ
  • .dat—ENVI DAT
  • .gif—GIF
  • .img—ERDAS IMAGINE file
  • .jpg—JPEG
  • .jp2—JPEG 2000
  • .png—PNG
  • .tif—TIFF
  • no extension—ESRI GRID

When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, no file extension should be added to the name of the raster dataset.

When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, a TIFF file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a compression type and compression quality.

Raster Dataset ; Raster Catalog

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file geodatabase and an ArcSDE geodatabase. Personal geodatabases do not use configuration keywords.

ArcSDE configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.


Use this option to remove the unwanted values created around the raster data. The value specified will be distinguished from other valuable data in the raster dataset. For example, a value of zero along the raster dataset's borders will be distinguished from zero values within the raster dataset.

The pixel value specified will be set to NoData in the output raster dataset.

For file-based rasters and personal geodatabase rasters, the Ignore Background Value must be set to the same value as NoData in order for the background value to be ignored. ArcSDE and file geodatabase rasters will work without this extra step.


All the pixels with the specified value will be set to NoData in the output raster dataset.


Choose whether the input 1-bit raster dataset will be converted to an 8-bit raster dataset. In this conversion the value 1 in the input raster dataset will be changed to 255 in the output raster dataset. This is useful when importing a 1-bit raster dataset to ArcSDE. One-bit raster dataset have 8-bit pyramid layers when stored in a file system, but in ArcSDE, 1-bit raster datasets can only have 1-bit pyramid layers, which makes the display unpleasant. By converting the data to 8-bit in ArcSDE, the pyramid layers are built as 8-bit instead of 1-bit, resulting in a proper raster dataset in the display.

  • NONENo conversion will be done. This is the default.
  • OneBitTo8BitThe input raster will be converted.

If the input raster dataset has a colormap, the output raster dataset can be converted to a three-band output raster dataset. This is useful when mosaicking rasters with different colormaps.

  • NONENo conversion will occur. This is the default.
  • ColormapToRGBThe input dataset will be converted.

Determines the bit depth of the output raster dataset. If left unspecified, the output bit depth will be the same as the input.

There will be no rescaling of the raster values when a different pixel type is chosen. If the pixel type is demoted (lowered), the raster values outside the valid range for that pixel depth will be truncated and lost.

  • 1_BITA 1-bit unsigned integer. The values can be 0 or 1.
  • 2_BITA 2-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 3.
  • 4_BITA 4-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 15.
  • 8_BIT_UNSIGNEDAn unsigned 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from 0 to 255.
  • 8_BIT_SIGNEDA signed 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from -128 to 127.
  • 16_BIT_UNSIGNEDA 16-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 65,535.
  • 16_BIT_SIGNEDA 16-bit signed data type. The values can range from -32,768 to 32,767.
  • 32_BIT_UNSIGNEDA 32-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
  • 32_BIT_SIGNEDA 32-bit signed data type. The values can range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • 32_BIT_FLOATA 32-bit data type supporting decimals.
  • 64_BITA 64-bit data type supporting decimals.

Code Sample

CopyRaster example 1 (Python window)

This is a Python sample for the CopyRaster tool.

import arcpy
CopyRaster example 2 (stand-alone script)

This is a Python script sample for the CopyRaster tool.

##Copy Raster
##Usage: CopyRaster_management in_raster out_rasterdataset {config_keyword} {background_value} {nodata_value} {NONE | OneBitTo8Bit} 
##                             {NONE | ColormapToRGB} {1_BIT | 2_BIT | 4_BIT | 8_BIT_UNSIGNED | 8_BIT_SIGNED | 16_BIT_UNSIGNED 
##                             | 16_BIT_SIGNED | 32_BIT_UNSIGNED | 32_BIT_SIGNED | 32_BIT_FLOAT | 64_BIT}
    import arcpy
    arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\PrjWorkspace"
    ##Copy File RasterDataset to GDB Dataset with Background and Nodata setting
    ##Copy 1 BIT 
    print "Copy Raster example failed."
    print arcpy.GetMessages()


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ArcView: Yes
ArcEditor: Yes
ArcInfo: Yes
