Create Referenced Mosaic Dataset (Data Management)


Creates a new mosaic dataset from an existing raster catalog, a selection set from a raster catalog, or a mosaic dataset.



CreateReferencedMosaicDataset_management (in_dataset, out_mosaic_dataset, {coordinate_system}, {number_of_bands}, {pixel_type}, {where_clause}, {in_template_dataset}, {extent}, {select_using_features}, {lod_field}, {minPS_field}, {maxPS_field}, {pixelSize}, {build_boundary})
ParameterExplanationData Type

Path and name of the input raster catalog or mosaic dataset.

Mosaic Layer; Mosaic Dataset; Raster Catalog Layer

The path and folder location or geodatabase where the mosaic dataset will be created.

Mosaic Dataset

The coordinate system defined for the mosaic dataset, which will be used for all the associated files created.

Spatial Reference

The number of raster dataset bands supported by the mosaic dataset.


The bit depth of a cell, used to determine the range of values that the mosaic dataset outputs. For example, an 8-bit mosaic dataset can have 256 unique pixel values, which range from 0 to 255.

If it is not defined, it will be taken from the first raster dataset.

  • 1_BITA 1-bit unsigned integer. The values can be 0 or 1.
  • 2_BITA 2-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 3.
  • 4_BITA 4-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 15.
  • 8_BIT_UNSIGNEDAn unsigned 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from 0 to 255.
  • 8_BIT_SIGNEDA signed 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from -128 to 127.
  • 16_BIT_UNSIGNEDA 16-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 65,535.
  • 16_BIT_SIGNEDA 16-bit signed data type. The values can range from -32,768 to 32,767.
  • 32_BIT_UNSIGNEDA 32-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 4,294,967,295.
  • 32_BIT_SIGNEDA 32-bit signed data type. The values can range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.
  • 32_BIT_FLOATA 32-bit data type supporting decimals.
  • 64_BITA 64-bit data type supporting decimals.

Use SQL to define a query, or use the Query Builder to build a query that identifies the raster datasets to be added to the mosaic dataset from the raster catalog or mosaic definition.

SQL Expression

Uses the extent of the specified raster dataset or feature class to define the extent of the raster datasets used in the mosaic dataset from the raster catalog or mosaic dataset.

Rasters that lay along the defined extent will be included in the mosaic dataset.

The input is not limited to a polygon feature class.

Feature Layer;Raster Layer

The minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates used to define the rectangular extent of the raster datasets used in the mosaic dataset from the raster catalog or mosaic dataset.


If a feature class is specified, you can choose to limit the extent to its envelope or clipped to the feature.

To use this, the input must be a polygon feature class.

  • SELECT_USING_FEATURESThe selection is based on the shape of the feature. This is the default.
  • NO_SELECT_USING_FEATURESThe selection is based on the extent of the data within the feature class.

A field in the raster catalog table defining the map scales at which the mosaic should be displayed; otherwise, a wire frame will be displayed.


A field in the raster catalog table defining the minimum cell size of the raster at which the mosaic should be displayed; otherwise, a wire frame will be displayed.


A field in the raster catalog table defining the maximum cell size of the raster at which the mosaic should be displayed; otherwise, a wire frame will be displayed.


The maximum cell size in which the mosaic will be displayed. If the mosaic is displayed above this resolution, a wire frame will be displayed.


Generates the boundary polygon for the mosaic dataset. By default, the boundary merges all the footprint polygons to create a single boundary representing the extent of the valid pixels.

This is only available if the mosaic dataset is created within a geodatabase.

  • BUILD_BOUNDARYThe boundary will be generated or updated. This is the default.
  • NO_BOUNDARY The boundary will not be generated.

Code Sample

CreateReferencedMosaicDataset example 1 (Python window)

This is a Python sample for CreateReferencedMosaicDataset.

import arcpy
arcpy.CreateReferencedMosaicDataset_management("c:/workspace/input.gdb/md", \
                                               "c:/workspace/output.gdb/refMD", \
                                               "GCS_WGS_1984.prj", "1", "#", \
                                               "#","c:/temp/ref_md.shp", \
                                               "SELECT_USING_FEATURES", "#", \
                                               "#", "#", "#", "#", "NO_BOUNDARY")
CreateReferencedMosaicDataset example 2 (stand-alone script)

This is a Python script sample for CreateReferencedMosaicDataset.

##Create Referenced Mosaic Dataset
##Usage: CreateReferencedMosaicDataset_management input_dataset out_mosaic_dataset
##                                                {coordinate_system} {number_of_bands}
##                                                {1_BIT | 2_BIT | 4_BIT | 8_BIT_UNSIGNED
##                                                | 8_BIT_SIGNED | 16_BIT_UNSIGNED | 16_BIT_SIGNED
##                                                | 32_BIT_UNSIGNED | 32_BIT_SIGNED | 32_BIT_FLOAT
##                                                | 64_BIT} {where_clause} {in_template_dataset}
##                                                {extent} {SELECT_USING_FEATURES
##                                                | NO_SELECT_USING_FEATURES}
##                                                {lod_field} {minPS_field} {maxPS_field}
##                                                {pixelSize} {BUILD_BOUNDARY | NO_BOUNDARY}

    import arcpy
    arcpy.env.workspace = "C:/Workspace"
    # Create Referenced Mosaic Dataset from existing Mosaic Dataset
    # Use shape file to clip the source mosaic dataset
    arcpy.CreateReferencedMosaicDataset_management("RefMD.gdb/md", "ref_md.amd",\
                                                   "GCS_WGS_1984.prj", "1", "#",\
                                                   "#", "ref_md.shp", "#", \
                                                   "#", "#", "#", "#", "NO_BOUNDARY")
    # Create Referenced Mosaic Dataset from unmanaged raster catalog  
    arcpy.CreateReferencedMosaicDataset_management("RefMD.gdb/rc", "RefMD.gdb/rc_md",\
                                                   "#", "3", "#", "OBJECTID=2", "#",\
                                                   "#", "#", "Scale", "minps", "maxps",\
                                                   "3", "BUILD_BOUNDARY")
    print "Calculate Referenced Mosaic Dataset example failed."
    print arcpy.GetMessages()


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Licensing Information

ArcView: No
ArcEditor: Yes
ArcInfo: Yes
