Export To Interchange File (Coverage)


Converts a coverage to an interchange file for transfer to another platform.

Learn more about how Export to Interchange File works



Export_arc (feature_type, in_dataset, interchange_file, {compression_type}, {max_lines})
ParameterExplanationData Type

The data type to be exported.

  • COVERa coverage, associated INFO files, and any index files.
  • FONTan IGL font file.
  • GRIDan integer or floating-point grid.
  • INFOan INFO file.
  • LINESETa lineset file.
  • MAPa map composition created with the ARCPLOT map composer.
  • MARKERSETa markerset file.
  • PLOTa plotfile or graphics file.
  • SHADESETa shadeset file.
  • STACKa stack.
  • STACKALLa stack and all of the grids associated with that stack.
  • TEXTany ASCII text file.
  • TEXTSETa textset file.
  • TINa tin.

The input dataset.


The prefix name of the ArcInfo interchange file or files to be created by Export. A volume ID of E00 will be appended to the file name of the first interchange file, E01 to the second file, and so on. Each subsequent file is created when the {max_lines} for each file is reached.


Specifies how numbers and blanks will be compressed in the export file. There are three options:

  • NONENo compression is performed. This option can also produce an export file that can be listed on your terminal or line printer. This is the default and the preferred method for creating export files.
  • PARTIALCompresses blanks but does not compress numbers.
  • FULLCompresses both blanks and numbers using ASCII compression characters. This option requires the least amount of storage space (on tape or disk).

Maximum number of lines for each volume (for example, disk file) of an Export To Interchange File file. A volume has the extension .E00 through .E99. Only one export file is created if this is not specified.


Code Sample

Export example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to export a coverage to one ArcInfo interchange file.

# Name: Export_Example.py
# Description: Exports a coverage to ArcInfo interchange format
# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation
# Author: ESRI

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"

# Set local variables
featureType = "COVER"
inDataset = "stand"
interchangeFile = "C:/output/stand.e00"
compressionType = "NONE"

#Execute Export
arcpy.Export_arc(featureType, inDataset, interchangeFile, compressionType, "")


Related Topics

Licensing Information

ArcView: No
ArcEditor: No
ArcInfo: Requires ArcInfo Workstation installed

Published 6/8/2010