Unselecting features that are selected

After features have been selected in the map, you may find that some of them need to be excluded from the selection set. When this happens, you can choose to remove individual features from the selection set or all the features from a specific feature layer. You can also choose to unselect everything except a particular feature or group of features. For example, suppose you have roads and bridges selected but only want to edit two of the bridges. You can select the bridges you want to edit and remove the rest of the features from the selection set.

  1. Click the Update tab on the Manage Features window.
  2. Select features using one of the following tools:
    • Select tool Features auswählen on the Tools toolbar
    • Edit tool Edit on the Production Editing toolbar
  3. Do one of the following to unselect features:

    To unselect a single feature

    Right-click a feature on the Update tab and click UnSelect.

    To unselect an entire feature layer

    Right-click a layer name on the Update tab and click UnSelect.

    To unselect all but the selected feature

    Right-click a feature on the Update tab and click Keep Selected.

    To unselect all but the selected feature layer

    Right-click a layer name on the Update tab and click Keep Selected.

    You can select more than one feature by holding the CTRL key when you choose features.

The feature or feature class disappears from the tree view if you have used the UnSelect command. If you have used the Keep Selected command, the selected feature or feature layer remains the only item selected.
