Applying pansharpening at all scale ranges using weights
To apply pansharpening to imagery at any scale, you can apply channel weights to the process. You should do this before building any service overviews to ensure that the process is used in creating the overviews. A suggested set of weights is as follows:
Band 1 weight: 0.166
Band 2 weight: 0.160
Band 3 weight: 0.166
Band 4 weight: 0.3
- Click the Layer drop-down arrow on the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar and select the image service definition you want to work with (if there are more than one).
Click the Select Features button
on the Tools toolbar.
- Select the footprint of the raster to which you want to add weight values.
Click the Raster Properties button
- Click the Rasters node in the list on the left side of the Raster Properties dialog box.
- Click the row corresponding to the panchromatic channel in the list on the left. This would be the row where ID = 8 if it is a Landsat 7 image.
- Click the Process tab.
- Click Pan-sharpen in the Processes Selected list.
Click the Edit button
- Click the Band Weight tab on the Pan-sharpen Process Definition dialog box.
- Type the numbers above in the first four Band Weight text boxes.
- Click OK and click OK again to close the dialog box.
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