Exporting a schematic dataset

  1. Start ArcCatalog.
  2. Right-click the schematic dataset you want to export in the Catalog tree.
  3. Point to Export and click To Geodatabase.

    The Export Schematic Dataset to Geodatabase dialog box opens.

  4. Click the browse button at the left of the Output Geodatabase or Schematic Dataset area to select the output geodatabase or schematic dataset.
  5. If you have chosen a geodatabase, type a name in the Output Schematic Dataset Name area for the schematic dataset that will be created for the export.
  6. Specify the parameters in the Output Activity section as follows:
    • Choose Definitions only if you want to export the schematic dataset configuration parameters without exporting the schematic database content—that is, without exporting the schematic diagrams and their contents.
    • Choose Definitions and diagrams if you want to export the schematic dataset's whole content—that is, schematic dataset configuration parameters and schematic diagrams. Three options are available:
      • Choose Synchronize diagrams if you want the output schematic dataset to be synchronized according to the input schematic dataset. In this case, the schematic dataset content is the same as that in the input schematic dataset.
      • Choose New diagrams only if you want diagrams contained in the input schematic dataset and not already existing in the output schematic dataset to be exported. In this case, only those diagrams are considered during the export process.
      • Choose Overwrite existing diagrams if you want all schematic diagrams in the input schematic dataset to be overwritten in the output schematic dataset while the diagrams existing in the output, but missing in the input, are kept.
  7. Specify the parameters in the Associated Data Options section as follows:
    1. Check Reattach to a different geodatabase if you want all the associations, custom queries, and query attributes configured in the input schematic dataset to be automatically redirected to another geodatabase in the output schematic dataset.
      • Regarding associations between schematic feature classes and feature classes/object tables, the process operates on the names of the geographic feature classes/object tables contained in the specified geodatabase. When no geographic feature class/object table with the same name exists in the specified geodatabase, the related schematic feature classes are exported with no association.
      • Regarding custom queries and query attributes, the process automatically redirects their related data sources to the specified geodatabase.

      The definition of schematic feature classes that already exist in the output schematic dataset before export are not impacted by the export. That is, their associations, custom queries, and query attribute definitions are not modified during the export.

    2. By default, when the Reattach to a different geodatabase box is checked, the export works with the geographic feature classes/object tables contained in the geodatabase specified in the Output Geodatabase or Schematic Dataset field (use output geodatabase). But it can also operate on any other geodatabase. To specify another geodatabase, click the Open button at the right and browse to the desired geodatabase.
    3. When Reattach to a different geodatabase is checked and schematic diagrams contained in the input schematic dataset are exported (Definitions and diagrams option checked), you must specify how the associations between the schematic features contained in the input schematic diagrams and their related GIS features/objects must be redirected for the exported schematic diagrams:
      • Choose Use associated objects Global ID if you want the schematic features contained in the exported schematic diagrams to be redirected according to their associated feature/object GUIDs. In that case, the process tries to map the GUIDs of the features/objects associated with the schematic features contained in the schematic diagrams to export with the GUIDs of the features/objects in the specified output geodatabase.
      • Choose Databases are identical, use same FCID and FOID if you want the schematic features contained in the exported schematic diagrams to be redirected according to the feature class ID and feature object ID (FOID) of their associated features/objects.

      The Use associated objects Global ID and Databases are identical, use same FCID and FOID options are available only if the Reattach to a different geodatabase box and the Definitions and diagrams option are both checked.

  8. Click OK to validate.

    The Export to Geodatabase dialog box is displayed and the export process starts. It sums up the different phases during the process execution.

  9. Check the Close this dialog when completed successfully checkbox if you want this dialog box to be automatically closed at the end of the process, or click Close at the end of migration to close it.

At the end of the export process, this dialog box closes.

Learn more about the options related to diagram export

Learn more about the Associated object classes options

Learn about exporting schematic datasets

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