Associating features with schematic features managed by the XML builder

If the elements contained in the input XML files come from features stored in a geodatabase, there are two ways to associate them with these features: by specifying particular items for each element in the input XML file or by creating predefined user data at the schematic feature class level in the schematic dataset.

Specifying the DatasourceName, UCID, and UOID for the elements in the XML files

For any NodeFeature, LinkFeature, NodeOnLinkFeature, or SubLinkFeature in the XML file, the DatasourceName, UCID, and UOID items may be specified.

Here is a sample NodeFeature where these items are specified:

Sample of associations in a XML file

When these items are found for an element in the XML file, the XML builder pulls this data in the schematic table during the diagram generation/update, and the related schematic feature in the diagram is automatically associated with this geographic feature. Then, when using the Identify tool Identify tool icon on a schematic feature, you will not only get schematic attributes related to the clicked schematic feature but also the attributes brought by the associated geographic feature. Using the Propagate Schematic Selection To Map Propagate Schematic Selection To Map command icon and Propagate Map Selection To Schematic Propagate Map Selection To Schematic command icon commands will also work when the associated geographic feature displays in a data frame.

If the parameters in the Associated Object Class section on the Properties tab of the schematic feature class is specified, Schematics may be also able to retrieve the associated feature class even if the DatasourceName and/or UCID are missing in the input XML data. But the UOID in the input XML data is absolutely needed in that case.

Creating predefined FDSN, FCN, and FOID attributes at the schematic feature class level

Schematics will also try to manage the associations between features or objects contained in a geodatabase and schematic features contained in XML Builder diagrams when three predefined attribute values are specified for the schematic feature class that implements these schematic features—FOID, FCN, and FDSN:

The values needed for those predefined attributes can be set as PropertySetProperty in the input XML file. These associations will complete those that might be set through the <UCID> and <UOID> tags.

Learn more about the FOID, FCN, and FDSN predefined attributes and their configurations


For schematic features contained in XML Builder diagrams, the FOID and FCN predefined attributes are absolutely required so that the association is correctly managed. The FDSN is also often required, except when the data source specified for the schematic feature class query connects the geodatabase containing the associated feature.
