Introduction to Additional Military Layers (AML) production procedures

The Additional Military Layer (AML) is a collection of individual profiles, both vector and raster, that adhere to various transfer standards. The Nautical Solution currently supports six vector profiles:

All six of the AML vector profiles support the S-57 exchange standard for digital data conversion. The Nautical Solution provides an AML data model that is packaged in the ESRI workspace XML format. This data model is imported into a geodatabase through the desktop production environment.

These procedures guide you through the steps needed to create an AML geodatabase, create new data or load existing AML data into your AML geodatabase, edit the AML data, and export it to an AML S-57 file.

About the desktop production environment

The desktop workflows are client driven where the data for a given product is isolated, meaning it is not replicated to another database. When setting up the desktop workflow, Product Library is used to load the schema via Implement Instance.

There are two desktop production environments that you can use depending on your data compilation needs. If you need to create S-57 data from scratch, run the populate process using the Nautical Desktop Populator method. This method can be set at the product class level within the product class properties. If you need to modify existing S-57 data, you can just implement your product instance and import the cell directly into the product geodatabase.

Both desktop workflows are designed to have one product (that is, an AML cell) per geodatabase. The desktop workflows are recommended when creating and managing a small number of products.

About producing an AML

The Nautical Solution AML production environment is performed in the ArcSDE versioning environment. With the desktop production environments, you can create new data or load existing data into your AML geodatabase, perform edits, insert and delete edit actions and then export your changes to an AML-S-57 file. Below is the list of steps for creating an AML product.


Creating new data

Loading existing data


Setting up the AML production environment

Setting up the AML production environment


Loading source data

Loading source data


Creating new AML data

Importing and baselining existing AML data


Editing features

Editing features


Creating and modifying primitive features

Creating and modifying primitive features


Verifying your data

Verifying your data


Exporting, publishing, and packaging your AML product

Exporting, publishing, and packaging your AML product
