Editing feature attributes

Attributes can be edited on the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, and Metadata Attributes windows. There are different purposes for changing the attributes on each window:

  1. Start ArcMap.

    If the ArcMap - Getting Started dialog box appears, you can open a new or existing map document. You can also check the Do not show this dialog box in the future check box and click Open.

  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing.
  4. Click the Production Start Editing button Production Start Editing on the Production Editing toolbar.

    The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.


    If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Show/Hide Attributes button Show/Hide Attributes on the Manage Features window.

  5. Do one of the following:

    To change attributes for a feature template

    Click the Create tab on the Manage Features window and click the feature template whose attributes you want to edit.

    To change attributes for a selected feature

    Select features in the map, click the Update tab on the Manage Features window, then choose the feature whose attributes you want to edit.

    To change attributes for a metadata favorite

    Click the Metadata tab on the Manage Features window and click the metadata favorite whose attributes you want to edit.

  6. Change the attribute values as needed on the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window.
  7. Click Apply to commit the changes.
