Removing rasters from an image service definition

  1. Select a raster by either using the Select tool 选择要素 on the Tools toolbar or using another method.

    See Selecting rasters in an image service definition to learn how to select one or more rasters in a service.

  2. On the Image Service Definition Editor toolbar, click the Image Service drop-down menu and click Advanced > Remove Raster Datasets.

    The Remove Raster dialog box is displayed.

  3. Leave Remove raster dataset checked.
  4. Optionally, check Delete raster process definition files.

    If checked, the raster process definitions will be deleted from the disk. This option should not be checked if they are being used by a different image service definition.

  5. Optionally, check Delete derived images.

    If checked, the derived images, such as service overviews, will be deleted from the disk. Raster datasets that have been added will not be deleted.

    The Image Service Editor message box is displayed.

  6. Click OK.

