An overview of the Defense Mapping toolbox

The Defense Mapping toolbox contains tools that help ensure that data meets the requirements defined in the product specification being used to produce and maintain data.



Cartographic Data

The Cartographic Data toolset contains scripts that allow you to create band features that can then be used to create specific surround elements for Topographic Line Map (TLM) map products and elevation tints for Joint Operations Graphics (JOGs).


The Features toolset contains tools that allow you to work with feature classes and table records to ensure that your data meets a product specification. Once data is imported into feature classes and tables, you can use these tools to update it to meet the specification's requirements.


The MGCP toolset contains several tools that allow you to work with Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) data. It includes tools that allow you to import and export metadata, which includes the Cell, Source, and Subregion feature classes. You can also export all the feature classes to shapefiles so they are still compliant with the MGCP specification.


The Symbology toolset contains tools that allow you to manage the way symbols and representations are positioned in the map.

Toolsets in the Defense Mapping toolbox
