What are schematic attributes?

Schematic attributes give information about a schematic feature or schematic diagram.

Schematic attributes are created within Schematic Dataset Editor at the schematic feature class or schematic diagram template level. Schematics Components (esriSchematic.olb) can also be used to create schematic attributes and define their parameters.

Learn about creating attributes within Schematic Dataset Editor

Introducing the predefined attributes

A set of predefined attributes can be configured for schematic features. Most of those predefined attributes depend on the type of the schematic feature—that is, there are very specific attributes for nodes, others for links, and so on. Some predefined attributes are completely managed by Schematics by default (for example, geometry attributes).

Learn about predefined schematic attributes

Introducing the attribute types

There are several types of schematic attributes depending on the way their values are computed. For example, there are field attributes, script attributes, constant attributes, and so forth.

Learn about the types of schematic attributes

Introducing attribute storage and evaluation

Schematic attributes are usually stored in the schematic feature class or schematic diagram class in the schematic dataset, but they can also only exist in memory—that is, when the diagram is loaded in memory.

Learn about schematic attribute storage and evaluation

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