Layer Selection

Select individual features

  1. Open the Map Contents panel. For instructions, see The Map Contents Panel.
  2. Select the layer in the Map Contents panel:
    Selected layer
  3. The Selection group of the Layer tab of the ArcGIS Web part's ribbon has all the buttons pertaining to feature selection:
    Layer Selection menu
  4. Features can be selected in two ways.
    1. Select by clicking on the feature on the map.

      1. Click on the Select button on the menu.
      2. Double click on the feature on the map to select it:
        Selected feature on map

    2. Select by clicking on that feature in the Attribute Table:

      1. Locate the feature on the Attribute Table.
      2. Single click in the row to select it:
        Select feature in table


To select multiple features in a layer, hold down the Control key while selecting. This can be done when selecting on the map and when selecting with the attribute table.

Select All features

Select all features in the selected layer by clicking on the Select All button.

Clear selected features

Clear the layer's selected features by clicking on the Clear button.

Zoom to selected features

Features that have been selected using the attribute table may be out of view. Use the Zoom To button to zoom to the selected features.
