Configuring Connections

ArcGIS for SharePoint comes with a list, ArcGIS Mapping Connections, that is used to specify the items that appear in the Browse panel's drop-down menu by default. SharePoint users with read/write permissions on this list can add, remove, and edit the connections in the menu by manipulating the items in this list.

The following table describes the list's columns:




The display name of the connection as it appears in the connections list


The URL to the SharePoint site, ArcGIS Server, or Spatial Data Service endpoint


The data source type for the connection

Supported types are SharePoint, ArcGIS Server, and Spatial Data Service.

Navigating to the ArcGIS Mapping Connections list

Like the other ArcGIS for SharePoint configuration lists and libraries, you can easily navigate to the ArcGIS Mapping Connections list using the ArcGIS Mapping Administration links on the Site Settings page:

  1. Navigate to the Site Settings page by opening the Site Actions menu and clicking Site Settings:
    Site Actions menu
  2. Under the ArcGIS Mapping Administration heading, click the desired link:
    ArcGIS Mapping Administration links

Edit a connection

  1. Open the item to edit by clicking the hyperlink in the Title field.
  2. Click Edit Item.
  3. Make your changes and click Save:
    Save Item dialog

Add a connection

  1. Click the Add new item hyperlink located at the bottom of the ArcGIS Mapping Connections list. The New Item form appears.
  2. Enter the new connection's information and click Save:
    New Item dialog box
    The new connection is available in the Browse drop-down menu of the Map Contents panel:
    New connection in Browse drop-down menu

Remove a connection

In the standard view of the list, choose the item to be removed by checking the check box next to it. Click Delete Item on the Items tab of the ribbon:

Delete Item dialog box

The connection is no longer in the Browse drop-down menu.
