ArcGIS API for WPF - Library Reference
ESRI.ArcGIS.Client.Tasks Namespace
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Contains a set of tasks (QueryTask, FindTask, IdentifyTask) enable both attribute and spatial searches on layers in ArcGIS Server services. The Locator task provides address matching capabilities. The Geoprocessor task provides access to ArcGIS Server tasks in geoprocessing services. The GeometryService task exposes a set of standard geospatial operations on an ArcGIS Server Geometry service.


ClassAddress An address.
ClassAddressCandidate An address candidate that represents a result from an AddressToLocations operation.
ClassAddressEventArgs EventArgs for the Locator.LocationToAddressCompleted event.
ClassAddressToLocationsEventArgs EventArgs for the AddressToLocations Locator geocode service operation.
ClassAddressToLocationsParameters Parameters for the AddressToLocations geocode service operation.
ClassAreasAndLengths Contains a list of areas and corresponding lengths.
ClassAreasAndLengthsEventArgs EventArgs for the GeometryService.AreasAndLengthsCompleted event.
ClassAttributeParameter Used in RouteParameter.attributeParameterValues
ClassBaseRouteParameters Base route parameters in shared between RouteParameters, RouteClosestFacilityParameters and RouteServiceAreaParameters
ClassBeginEditEventArgs Arguments for the begin edits event.
ClassBufferParameters Sets the distances, units, and other parameters for a buffer operation.
ClassCutEventArgs EventArgs for service operations that return a list of Graphic objects and a Integer array of cut indexes.
ClassDensifyParameters Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the densify task will be preformed.
ClassDirectionsFeatureSet A FeatureSet that has properties specific to routing. The features property contains the turn-by-turn directions text and geometry of the route.
ClassDistanceEventArgs EventArgs for the GeometryService.DistanceCompleted event
ClassDistanceParameters Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the distance task will be preformed.
ClassEditException Edit exception.
ClassEditResultItem An item in the results from an edit operation.
ClassEditResults Results of the edit operation
ClassEndEditEventArgs Arguments for the end edit event.
ClassFeatureSet A collection of Features.
ClassFindEventArgs EventArgs for the FindTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the FindTask.
ClassFindParameters The parameters used to execute the FindTask.
ClassFindResult A result from the executing the FindTask.
ClassFindTask Task for finding features from a map service.
ClassGeneralizeParameters Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the generalize task will be preformed.
ClassGeometryEventArgs EventArgs for service operations that return a single Geometry object.
ClassGeometryRelationPair Contains the indices of the geometries from the set of geometries passed to the Relation operation of the geometry service.
ClassGeometryService The Auto Complete operation is performed on a geometry service resource. The AutoComplete operation simplifies the process of constructing new polygons that are adjacent to other polygons. It constructs polygons that fill in the gaps between existing polygons and a set of polylines. Represents a geometry service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. It is used to perform various operations on geometries such as project, simplify, buffer, and relationships.
ClassGeoprocessor Represents a geoprocessing task service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. A geoprocessing task resource represents a single task in a geoprocessing service published using the ArcGIS Server and it supports one of the following two main operations: Execute - performed on a geoprocessing task resource when the execution type is synchronous. The only applicable events are ExecuteComplete and Fault. SubmitJob - performed on an asynchronous geoprocessing task resource. The only applicable events are JobComplete, Cancel, and Fault. In addition, for a jobId: GetInput - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are GetInputComplete and Fault. GetResultData - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are GetResultDataComplete and Fault. GetResultImageLayer - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are GetResultImageComplete and Fault. CheckStatus - checks status of the job identified by jobId. The only applicable events are StatusUpdate and Fault. Set the Url to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that receives the geoprocessing request.
ClassGetResultImageEventArgs EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetResultImageCompleted geoprocessor event.
ClassGetResultImageLayerEventArgs EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetResultImageLayerCompleted geoprocessor event.
ClassGPBoolean A boolean input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPDataFile A data file input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPDate A date input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPDouble A double input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPExecuteCompleteEventArgs EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.ExecuteCompleted geoprocessor event.
ClassGPExecuteResults The results of executing a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPFeatureRecordSetLayer Represents a GPFeatureRecordSetLayer geoprocessing task inputs. For a large set of geometries, you can specify the Url property to the input features stored in a JSON structure in a file on a public server.
ClassGPLinearUnit A linear unit input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPLong An input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPMessage Represents a message generated during the execution of a geoprocessing task. It includes information such as when the processing started, what parameter values are being used, the task progress, warnings of potential problems and errors.
ClassGPMultiValue<T> A MultiValue input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGPParameter Base class for parameters passed to geoprocessing tasks.
ClassGPParameterEventArgs EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.GetResultDataCompleted and Geoprocessor.GetInputCompleted geoprocessor events.
ClassGPRasterData A raster data file input to a geoprocessing task. This is used for parameters of type GPRasterData or GPRasterDataLayer.
ClassGPRecordSet Represents a GPRecordSet geoprocessing task inputs. For a large set of records, you can specify the Url property to the input records stored in a JSON structure in a file on a public server.
ClassGPResultImageLayer Layer containing an image result from a geoprocessing task
ClassGPString A string input to a geoprocessing task.
ClassGraphicsEventArgs EventArgs for service operations that return a list of Graphic objects.
ClassIdentifyEventArgs EventArgs for the IdentifyTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the IdentifyTask.
ClassIdentifyParameters The parameters used to execute the IdentifyTask.
ClassIdentifyResult A result from executing the IdentifyTask.
ClassIdentifyTask Task for identifying features from a map service.
ClassImageServiceIdentifyEventArgs EventArgs for the ImageServiceIdentifyTask.ExecuteCompleted event of the ImageServiceIdentifyTask.
ClassImageServiceIdentifyParameters The parameters used to execute the IdentifyTask against a image service layer that has a catalog of images.
ClassImageServiceIdentifyResult A result from executing the IdentifyTask.
ClassImageServiceIdentifyTask Task for identifying features from a image service.
ClassJobInfo Represents information pertaining to the execution of an asynchronous geoprocessing task on the server.
ClassJobInfoEventArgs EventArgs for the Geoprocessor.StatusUpdated and Geoprocessor.JobCompleted geoprocessor events.
ClassLengthsEventArgs EventArgs for the GeometryService.LengthsCompleted event.
ClassLocator Represents a geocode service resource exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. It is used to generate candidates for an address. It also used to find an address for a given location.
ClassOffsetParameters Parameters contains additional properties that defines how the offset task will be preformed
ClassOutFields The fields to return in a QueryTask FeatureSet.
ClassQuery The parameters used to execute the QueryTask.
ClassQueryCountEventArgs EventArgs for the QueryTask.ExecuteCountCompleted event.
ClassQueryEventArgs EventArgs for the QueryTask.ExecuteCompleted event.
ClassQueryTask Task for querying a layer from a map service.
ClassRelationEventArgs EventArgs for the relation geometry service operation.
ClassRelationshipEventArgs EventArgs for the ExecuteRelationshipQueryCompleted event.
ClassRelationshipParameter The RelationshipParameter contains properties to define a relationship when using the ExecuteRelationshipQuery or ExecuteRelationshipQueryAsync Method of the QueryTask.
ClassRelationshipResult The result returned after the ExecuteRelationshipQuery or ExecuteRelationshipQueryAsync is performed by the QueryTask.
ClassRouteClosestFacilityParameters Input parameters for a RouteTask.SolveClosestFacilityAsync.
ClassRouteEventArgs EventArgs for the RouteTask.SolveCompleted event.
ClassRouteParameters Input parameters for a RouteTask.SolveAsync.
ClassRouteResult Represents the route result - which, together with barriers and messages make up the RouteEventArgs.
ClassRouteServiceAreaParameters Parameters indicate guidlines that are required when determining what the service area of a facility.
ClassRouteTask Solves routing problems by finding a least-cost path between multiple locations.
ClassServiceException Exception that represents an error returned from the REST API
ClassTaskBase Base class for tasks.
ClassTaskEventArgs Base EventArgs for the task events.
ClassTaskFailedEventArgs EventArgs for the Fault task event.
ClassTimeOption Contains properties to indicate how to render an individual sub-layer of a time-enabled ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.


EnumerationCurveExtension Trim / Extend enumeration is used for TrimExtend Geometry service
EnumerationesriJobStatus The status of a geoprocessing job.
EnumerationesriUnits ESRI measurement units.
EnumerationFacilityReturnType The type of facility to be returned.
EnumerationFacilityTravelDirection Enumeration used to indicate there starting and ending points for directions
EnumerationGeometryOffset Offset enumeration
EnumerationGeometryRelation SpatialRelationship enumeration.
EnumerationGeometryType The geometry type.
EnumerationGPMessageType An enumeration containing the types of messages returned from a geoprocessing task.
EnumerationGPResultImageLayer.RestImageFormat REST imageformats
EnumerationLayerOption LayerOption enumeration.
EnumerationLinearUnit Represents a linear unit of distance.
EnumerationSpatialRelationship SpatialRelationship enumeration.
EnumerationTimeOffsetUnits The TimeOffsetUnits class is an enumeration used to indicate a unit of measurement for a time offset.

See Also

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