Appendix E: Using the Tracking Client SDK

Tracking Server provides near real-time distribution of GIS data delivered directly from collection point to viewing application. The Tracking Client SDK allows you to create client applications that receive GIS data from Tracking Server. Once the GIS data is received in the client application, you can do anything you want with it. For example, you may want to simply count the number of features that have been received, or you may want to display the features on an interactive map in real-time.

The Tracking Client SDK provides developer libraries for use with Flex, Silverlight, .Net, and .Net Compact Framework. These libraries are designed in such a way that the class names and the way the classes interact with one another is consistent across libraries. This means that if you learn to use the Connector class in Flex, you can easily use the same Connector class in Silverlight.

For more information, refer to the "Tracking Client SDK" documentation.


The Tracking Client SDK must be acquired separately from Tracking Server.

Published 6/28/2010