What is Tracking Server?

Tracking Server helps you monitor entities through time, as they move or change. Tracking Server is a centralized hub for collection and dissemination of real-time data, which serves data to a variety of clients, including the ArcGIS® Tracking Analyst extension. With Tracking Server you can:

Tracking Server provides a solution for collecting and sending real-time data from many data sources and formats to Web and desktop clients. As real-time data is received by Tracking Server, you can log it to a geodatabase or retransmit it to Web and desktop clients including ArcGIS Tracking Analyst.

Some clients are “watch” clients, using a simple real-time Web mapping application. Other clients give advanced users the power to integrate temporal and geographic data on their desktop and perform real-time and historical data analysis using ArcGIS Desktop with Tracking Analyst. Tracking Server enables the integration of real-time data and a geographic information system (GIS). This integration helps you make better decisions and share information quickly, easily, and efficiently.

Tracking Server uses an extensible architecture that allows it to receive data from new sources and transmit that data to new clients.

Tracking Server lends itself to a host of uses in a variety of environments. Depending on the needs of your organization, you can configure your settings to optimize your collection, display, analysis, and distribution of real-time and near real-time data.

Published 6/28/2010