Working with image and raster data

Summary This topic provides a brief introduction to managing raster data in ArcGIS and describes what is available for developers building their applications with raster data. It covers creating raster data (raster dataset, raster catalog, and mosaic dataset), displaying raster data, serving raster data, and processing raster data.

In this topic

Raster data models

ArcGIS manages raster data using the following three data models:
  • Raster dataset—Any supported raster format that is organized in one or multiple bands, such as a TIFF image or a grid. For developer topics see Accessing raster datasets.
  • Raster catalog—A collection of raster datasets that are managed in a table with both geometry and raster fields. A raster catalog can be managed (raster data is loaded to the raster field in the geodatabase) or unmanaged (raster files are referenced in the raster catalog). For developer topics see Working with raster catalogs.
  • Mosaic data—An optimized raster data model that is used to manage a large collection of images. Mosaic datasets store references to the raster files. They do not load pixels to the geodatabase and can ingest many raster formats and multiple sensor types. Mosaic datasets can also ingest services including image services, Web Coverage Service (WCS) capabilities, and cached map services. A unique feature of a mosaic dataset is that it stores the operations that will be applied to the rasters, then processes them on the fly. This dynamic processing capability allows you to create multiple products from one data source. For developer topics see Working with Mosaic datasets.
For more information, see What is raster data? and What is a mosaic dataset?
ArcGIS provides geoprocessing tools for creating raster datasets, raster catalogs, and mosaic datasets. See An overview of the Raster toolset for more information. An easy way to develop applications is to use these geoprocessing tools directly. However, if you have special requirements for loading data or you need to work with pixel blocks in creating data, you need to work with ArcObjects.
ArcGIS supports many formats, listed in the ArcGIS Desktop User Help topic Supported raster dataset file formats. If you wish to add a custom raster format to ArcGIS, you can create a GDAL format driver. Refer to the "Implementing a Custom Raster Format for ArcGIS" from ESRI resource center on how to create and configure a custom raster format for ArcGIS.

Displaying raster data

ArcGIS uses raster layers, raster catalog layers, and mosaic layers, as well as raster renderers to display raster data. To understand the display capabilities that ArcGIS offers, see Image Analysis Window and Renderers used to display raster data. To develop applications that can visualize raster data in a stand-alone application using the Map control, you need to work with the ArcObjects raster layer and raster renderer application programming interfaces (APIs). This section provides you examples on how to create raster layer, raster catalog layer, mosaic layer, and raster renderers. For developer topics, see Displaying raster data.

Image service and WCS 

Raster data can be published by ArcGIS Server as an image service, a WCS, a Web Map Service (WMS), and a map service. For more information about publishing and consuming image services and WCS capabilities, see About serving raster and image data. For developer topics, see Working with image services and WCS services.

Processing raster data

ArcGIS provides rich raster processing capabilities, such as projecting raster data, georeferencing raster data, orthorectifying raster data, and image pan-sharpening. Most of these are available to end users through geoprocessing tools and ArcMap toolbars. See the Processing raster data for the details on extending raster capabilities through ArcObjects

See Also:

Accessing raster datasets
Working with raster catalogs
Working with Mosaic datasets
Working with image services and WCS services
Processing raster data
Displaying raster data