ArcObjects Library Reference (TrackingAnalyst)  

ITrackSymbologyRenderer Interface

Provides access to methods and properties needed to manage the temporal symbology rendering of events.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Tracking Analyst Extension.


Method CanRender Indicates if the specified feature class can be rendered on the given display.
Method Draw Draws features from the specified cursor on the given display.
Write-only property ExclusionSet An object reference to a temporary drawing exclusion set.
Method PrepareFilter Prepares the query filter for the rendering process.
Read-only property RenderPhase Indicates if renderer uses the specified draw phase.
Read/write property ShowTrackSymbologyLegendGroup Indicates whether or not track symbology displays when drawing temporal events on the map.
Read-only property SymbolByFeature Symbol used to draw the specified feature.
Read/write property TrackSymbologyRenderer Controls the temporal track symbology drawn on the map.

CoClasses that implement ITrackSymbologyRenderer

CoClasses and Classes Description
CoTrackSymbologyRenderer Symbolizes temporal based features and tracks in order to identify temporal feature characteristics in relation to the temporal reference.

.NET Samples

Add and symbolize a historical temporal layer in ArcMap (Code Files: AddTemporalLayerButton) | Play back tracking data (Code Files: PlaybackDataButton) |