ArcObjects Library Reference (System)  

IArray Interface

Provides access to members that control a simple array of objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


An Array object is used to hold an indexed collection of generic objects. The Array uses a zero-based index.


Method Add Adds an object to the array.
Read-only property Count The element count of the array.
Read-only property Element Searches for the object in the array.
Method Insert Adds an object to the array at the specified index.
Method Remove Removes an object from the array.
Method RemoveAll Removes all objects from the array.

CoClasses that implement IArray

CoClasses and Classes Description
Array Generic array of objects.
EnumGPEnvironment (esriGeoprocessing) Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing environment objects.
EnumGPName (esriGeoprocessing) Enumeration of multiple geoprocessing name objects.
TxMaps (esriTrackingAnalyst) TxMaps is a container class that holds a list or array of objects implementing IMap.


When adding an object to an Array, you are merely adding a new reference to the object not copying it. The reference is released when the Array is destroyed or the object is removed.

.NET Snippets

Create Group Layer Animation | Remove Bookmark3D from SceneBookmarks | Navigate Scene to Bookmark3D |

.NET Samples

Animation in the GlobeControl (Code Files: Animation) | ArcGIS GPConsole (Code Files: Program) | Calculate area geoprocessing function tool (Code Files: CalculateAreaFunction) | Create a custom default raster catalog renderer (Code Files: CustomRasterCatalogRenderer_VBNET) | Create a custom raster type (Code Files: TestThumbnailBuilder) | Create a Mosaic dataset (Code Files: CreateMosaicDataset) | Create a Raster Function template (Code Files: CreateRasterFunctionTemplate) | Create camera flyby from path (Code Files: frmCameraPath) | Geoprocessing events listener (Code Files: GPEventHelper) | Geoprocessing field mapping (Code Files: FieldMapping) | Import signposts (Code Files: ImportDynamapSignsFunction ImportMultiNetSignsFunction ImportNavStreetsSignsFunction SignpostGPFunctionFactory) | Layer effects animation in ArcMap (Code Files: AnimationTypeLayerEffects) | Move a graphic along a path in ArcMap (Code Files: AnimationTypeMapGraphic AnimationUtils frmCreateGraphicTrackOptions) | Multiple globe viewers (Code Files: MultipleGlobeViewers) | Navigating around the SceneControl (Code Files: SceneNavigateAndBookmarks) | Publish a map (Code Files: PublishMap) | RSS weather layer (Code Files: RSSWeatherLayerClass) | Simple point plug-in data source (Code Files: SimplePointWksp) | Subset network evaluators (Code Files: FilterSubsetEvaluator ScaleSubsetEvaluator SubsetHelper SubsetHelperUI) | Time Series Graph tool add-in (Code Files: TimeSeriesGraph) | Using HookActions in custom commands (Code Files: hookActionsCallout hookActionsFlash hookActionsGraphic hookActionsLabel hookActionsPan hookActionsZoom) |

.NET Related Topics

Building a custom geoprocessing function tool | DefenseSolutions | Geodatabase | How to convert coordinate arrays | How to create a multimodal network dataset | How to create a network dataset | How to geocode a single address | How to open and prepare a raster type | Using ArcObjects as tool input | Using feature templates | Using the schema creator |