ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

ICachedGraphicLayer Interface

Provides access to members common to all layers of cached graphics. Note: the ICachedGraphicLayer interface has been superseded byICachedGraphicLayer2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Read/write property OptimizeForSpeed Indicates whether the layer should take the necessary shortcuts to optimize its display speed.
Method Refresh Refreshes the cached graphic contents of the layer.

CoClasses that implement ICachedGraphicLayer

CoClasses and Classes Description
ForceElementLayer A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a force element display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display.
TacticalGraphicLayer A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a tactical graphic display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display.


A cached graphic layer is effectively a wrapper around a MOLE display list (the actual "cache") to enable the contents of the display list to be manipulated like other layers in ArcGIS.

.NET Snippets

Set MOLE Layer Size |

.NET Samples

Displaying MOLE symbology with the GlobeControl (Code Files: MainForm) |