
Creates a vertical coordinate system object from an old-style PRJ file

Usage syntax

PE_VERTCS pe_vertcs_from_prjfile (const char *path, int *ierror);

path A pointer to a file that contains an old-style PRJ file
ierror A pointer to an error code

This function creates a PE vertical coordinate system object from an old-style PRJ file. An old-style PRJ file is used by the coverage, grid, and TIN data formats. You can find the file, named prj.adf, in the dataset directory. Here is a sample PRJ file.

Projection  UTM 
Units       METERS 
Zunits      METERS
Datum       WGS84 
Spheroid    WGS84 
Zone        11 

This file converts to the following PE string representation (reformatted for display).

VERTCS["Unknown VCS", 

Note: You need to include the pe_coordsys_from_prj.h header file to use this function. This file is included with the ArcSDE SDK.


On success, a horizontal-vertical coordinate system object; otherwise, one of the following is returned:

   PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT     The pointer to the path or file name is null or blank.
PE_PRJ_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE     The path or file name is incorrect or does not exist.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_KEYWORD      A keyword is incorrect or cannot be converted.
PE_PRJ_TOO_MANY_PARAMS      There are too many parameters in the PRJ string. The PRJ file is incorrect.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_DATUM        The datum is incorrect or cannot be converted.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER    One of the parameters is incorrect or cannot be converted.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_PROJECTION   The map projection cannot be converted. PE may not support it.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_SPHEROID     The spheroid is incorrect or cannot be converted.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_UNIT         The unit is incorrect or cannot be converted.
PE_PRJ_ILLEGAL_ZONE         The zone is incorrect or cannot be converted.
PE_PRJ_NO_ZUNIT             The zunit is missing from the old-style PRJ file.
PE_PRJ_OUT_OF_MEMORY        The string is not long enough or the system has run out of memory.

PE_VERTCS vertcs;
char *prjfile;
int err = 0;
char newstring[2048];
prjfile = "testutm.prj";

coordsys = pe_vertcs_from_prjfile(prjfile,&err);
if (err != 0)
   printf("Error code = %d\n",err);