Creating a geodatabase in Oracle on Windows

To create a geodatabase in Oracle on a Windows server, use the Post Installation wizard.

After you install the ArcSDE component, the Post Installation wizard automatically launches. If you have already created your Oracle database, you can proceed with the Post Installation wizard. If you have not, exit the wizard. Once you have created the database, you can restart the Post Installation wizard from the Windows Start menu (Start > All Programs > ArcGIS > ArcSDE > ArcSDE for Oracle Post Installation).

The Post Installation wizard takes you through the following steps:


You only need to create a service if there are users at your site who will connect to the geodatabase using an ArcSDE service.

If you plan to only use direct connections to the geodatabase, see Setting up a direct connection to Oracle for information about setting up direct connections to the geodatabase from a client machine.

  1. The first dialog box of the wizard lets you choose whether to perform all the postinstallation tasks or choose only some of the tasks. For most new installations, choose the Complete option and click Next.

    You might choose the Custom option if you do not want to create an ArcSDE service, you only need to update your authorization file in an existing geodatabase, or your database administrator has already created an sde user and granted it permission to create a geodatabase.

  2. In the User information dialog box, type the password of the Oracle sys user in the Sys user password text box.
  3. Type the Oracle net service name in the Net service name dialog box and click Next.

    You must connect as the sys user to create the sde user and tablespace.

  4. On the SDE user tablespace and information dialog box, type a password for the sde user in the SDE user password text box.
  5. Type a name for the sde user's default tablespace in the Default tablespace text box or accept the default value of sde.
  6. A default location on the local hard drive is in the File text box. You can use this location for the tablespace or click Browse to designate a different location.
  7. On the ArcSDE configuration files dialog box, you can specify custom giomgr.defs, dbinit.sde, or dbtune.sde files, or accept the defaults and click Next.
  8. On the Repository Setup dialog box, type the sde user's password in the SDE user password text box and the name of the Oracle Net Service in the Net service name text box.
  9. Click Next.
  10. You should receive a message indicating whether or not the geodatabase was created successfully.
  11. Choose whether or not to view the log.
    • If you want to view the creation log, click Yes. You should do this if the geodatabase was not created.
    • If the geodatabase was created without error and you do not want to view the log, click No.

The geodatabase has been created.

Next, you must authorize the geodatabase. See Authorizing ArcSDE geodatabases in Oracle on Windows. If you are creating a service, see Creating and starting an ArcSDE service for geodatabases in Oracle on Windows.

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