Interfacepublic interface IAttributesFilter
Implementors MatchAllFilter, MatchAnyFilter, MatchAttributeFilter, MatchNotFilter, MatchValueFilter

The IAttributesFilter is an interface for a filter applied to feature attributes.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
testAttributes(attributes:Object, attributesProvider:TMAttributesProvider, strictMatch:Boolean):AttributesFilterResult
Tests feature attributes to match the filter criteria.
Method Detail
public function testAttributes(attributes:Object, attributesProvider:TMAttributesProvider, strictMatch:Boolean):AttributesFilterResult

Tests feature attributes to match the filter criteria.

The strictMatch parameter is used in a composite filter when one of subfilters returns the UNKNOWN result. In the case of the strict match, the result of composite filtering will be UNKNOWN. Otherwise, this subfilter will be ignored.


attributes:Object — Attributes of feature.
attributesProvider:TMAttributesProvider — Provider of feature attributes.
strictMatch:Boolean — True value means that feature attributes should match all filtering criteria.

AttributesFilterResult — Result of testing.