Interfacepublic interface ITokenService
Implementors TokenService

Since : Community Analyst API for Flex 2.2.

The ITokenService interface provides a token-based authentication service.

An instance of the token service can be activated with or without login. You can create a token provider with the updateTokenProvider method. In this case, when a task using this token provider receives an authentication error, it calls the token provider and logs in. You can also create a token provider with the login method. In this case, the token service at first tries to log in and after that updates the token provider on success.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  token : String
Token for accessing a secure task.
  tokenProvider : ITokenProvider
Provider responsible for updating the security token if the last one expires.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
login(username:String, password:String, responder:IResponder):void
Requests a token service for getting a security token and (optionally) creates a token provider.
updateTokenProvider(username:String, password:String):Boolean
Updates the tokenProvider property of this instance with the new token provider.
Property Detail

Token for accessing a secure task.

    public function get token():String
    public function set token(value:String):void

Provider responsible for updating the security token if the last one expires.

    public function get tokenProvider():ITokenProvider
    public function set tokenProvider(value:ITokenProvider):void
Method Detail
public function login(username:String, password:String, responder:IResponder):void

Requests a token service for getting a security token and (optionally) creates a token provider.

The contract on executing this method is the following: If the token service fails to get a new token, the responder.fault method must be called with an instance of the type. If the token service returns a new security token, the tokenProvider and token properties of this instance should be updated and after that the responder.result method must be called with the new token passed in the parameter.


username:String — User name.
password:String — User password.
responder:IResponder — Responder object to be notified on a response from the token service.

public function updateTokenProvider(username:String, password:String):Boolean

Updates the tokenProvider property of this instance with the new token provider.

If an implementation of the token service doesn't support token providers, this method should return false.


username:String — User name.
password:String — User password.

Boolean — True if the token provider has been updated.