GeoEnrichment Service


The GeoEnrichment service is designed as a replacement for the Business Analyst Online API (BAO API) and Community Analyst API (CA API) which are scheduled to retire by June 30, 2014.

The GeoEnrichment service provides the ability to get facts about a location or area. Using GeoEnrichment, you can get information about the people, places, and businesses in a specific area or within a certain distance or drive time from a location. More specifically, by submitting a point or polygon to the GeoEnrichment service, you can retrieve the demographics and other relevant characteristics associated with the surrounding area. You can also use the GeoEnrichment service to obtain additional geographic context (for example, the ZIP Code of a location) and geographic boundaries (for example, the geometry for a drive-time service area). Currently, the service is available for the United States, Canada, and a number of European countries, as opposed to the BAO API which only has data for the United States and Canada. Other countries will be added in the near future.

This document provides examples of how to create reports and how to use the new Enrich operation to return data for a given area using the new GeoEnrichment service. This document provides several examples of how to use the new GeoEnrichment service to perform operations from the BAO API, such as creating reports and summarizing demographic data. Additional GeoEnrichment API background information and examples that cover a wide variety of use cases are available in the GeoEnrichment service documentation.

The GeoEnrichment service is currently only available as a REST service. The service will soon be added to other mobile and web APIs and SDKs, as well as the JavaScript API.

Study Areas

The GeoEnrichment service uses the concept of a study area to define the location of the point or area that you want to enrich with additional information. If one or more points are input as a study area, the service will create a one-mile ring buffer around the points or points to collect and append enrichment data. You can optionally change the ring buffer size or create drive-time service areas around a point

The service is capable of enriching study areas in the following ways:

Data Collections

The GeoEnrichment service uses the concept of a data collection to define the data attributes returned by the enrichment service. A data collection is a preassembled list of attributes that will be used to enrich the input features. Collection attributes can describe various types of information, such as demographic characteristics and geographic context, of the locations or areas submitted as input features.

The concept of a data collection did not exist in the BAO API. They can be thought of as a list or collection of variables that provide a convenient way to return a list of variables for a given input area.

Some data collections (such as the default "KeyGlobalFacts") can be used in all supported countries. Other data collections may only be available in one or a collection of countries. Data collections may only be available in a subset of countries because of differences in the demographic data that is available for each country.

Example Usage

Example: Return list data collections that can be run in Canada



The data collections illustrated in the previous section can be used to return data for a given area. Previously, in the BAO API you would need to list the field names in the Benchmark Report service to return output data for a given area. The example below returns two demographic variables to a US ZIP Code.

Example Usage

BAO API Example 1: Return small set of data for a ZIP code using the Benchmark Report service

In contrast to the BAO API, you can return demographic data for a ZIP Code through the GeoEnrichment service directly. The output of this method is a direct JSON response that contains the summarized demographic data for this area.

GeoEnrichment Example 1: Return small set of data for a ZIP code using the Enrich task

BAO API Example 2: Create a 5-mile buffer around a point and return demographic data

GeoEnrichment Example 2: Create a 5-mile buffer around a point and return demographic data

Note - The response has been abbreviated in the example where "..." is noted.

Creating Reports

The GeoEnrichment Create Report method also uses the concept of a study area to define the location of the point or area that you want to enrich with generated reports. This method allows you to create many types of high-quality reports for a variety of use cases describing the input area. If a point is used as a study area, the service will create a 1-mile ring buffer around the point to collect and append enrichment data.

Example Usage

BAO API Example: Create a 3-5-7-minute drive-time service areas and create a report

Like the Enrich method, the GeoEnrichment service has a single method to create reports for all types of study areas. You can use the studyAreas and studyAreasOptions parameters to produce reports for rings, drive-times service areas, custom polygons and standard geography features. The example below illustrates how you can create a 3, 5 and 7-minute service area buffer around a point and create a report

GeoEnrichment Example: Create a 1-3-5-minute drive-time service area and create a report


The GeoEnrichment Create Report service does not currently allow multiple or batch reports to be created in a single request. Generating multiple reports requires multiple CreateReport calls. The GeoEnrichment service also currently cannot store the resulting reports in the form of a server side URL so that they can be opened at a later time. Both batch reports and report storage will be included in the GeoEnrichment service in an upcoming ArcGIS platform update at the end of 2013