B U S I N E S S   A N A L Y S T   10.5   R E S T   G E O E N R I C H M E N T   T A S K

Get Variables Endpoint

Allows you to search the data collections for variables that contain specific keywords.


Availability: Business Analyst web app, Business Analyst Server.


URL Example





sourceCountry (optional)

Specify the source country for the search. Type string.

optionalCountryDataset (optional)

Specify a specific dataset within a defined country. Type string.

optionalCountryHierarchy (optional)

param def.

searchText (optional)

Query and find specific keywords that are contained in a data collection. Type string.

f (optional)

Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, XML.

Default: HTML.


The searchText parameter's query is broken up into terms and operators. There are two types of terms: Single Terms and Phrases. A Single Term is a single word such as "Income" or "Households" and a Phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as "Household Income". Multiple terms can be combined together with Boolean operators to form a more complex query.



Search Description


Field search - to search for "Income" in the Alias field.


Wildcard Search - to search for "San" or "Sen" you can use the single character wildcard search.


Fuzzy search - explicitly set a fuzzy search by using the tilde symbol "~" at the end of a Single Term.

Income OR Wealth

Boolean operator - The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching variable if either of the terms exist. This is equivalent to a union with using sets.

Example Usage

Return a list of variables that contain the terms: Food Stamps, SNAP or 60+ within the variables' metadata.



http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/World/geoenrichmentserver/GetVariables/execute?sourcecountry=US&searchtext="Food Stamps" AND SNAP OR 60+&f=pjson



 "results" : [ {
    "paramName" : "Variable",
    "dataType" : "VariableInfo",
    "value" : [ {
      "datasetID" : "USA_ACS_2016",
      "countryAbbrev" : "US",
      "name" : "ACSSNAP",
      "alias" : "ACS HHs w/Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "category" : "2010-2014 Households by Other Income (ACS)",
      "description" : "2010-2014 ACS Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "decimals" : 0,
      "percentage" : "ACSTOTHH",
      "percentageAlias" : "ACS Total Households",
      "units" : "count"
    }, {
      "datasetID" : "USA_ACS_2016",
      "countryAbbrev" : "US",
      "name" : "MOESNAP",
      "alias" : "MOE HHs w/Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "category" : "2010-2014 Households by Other Income (ACS)",
      "description" : "2010-2014 MOE Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "decimals" : 0,
      "units" : "count"
    }, {
      "datasetID" : "USA_ACS_2016",
      "countryAbbrev" : "US",
      "name" : "RELSNAP",
      "alias" : "REL HHs w/Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "category" : "2010-2014 Households by Other Income (ACS)",
      "description" : "2010-2014 REL Households Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "decimals" : 0,
      "units" : "count"
    }, {
      "datasetID" : "USA_ACS_2016",
      "countryAbbrev" : "US",
      "name" : "ACSNOSNAP",
      "alias" : "ACS HHs w/No Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "category" : "2010-2014 Households by Other Income (ACS)",
      "description" : "2010-2014 ACS Households Not Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "decimals" : 0,
      "percentage" : "ACSTOTHH",
      "percentageAlias" : "ACS Total Households",
      "units" : "count"
    }, {
      "datasetID" : "USA_ACS_2016",
      "countryAbbrev" : "US",
      "name" : "MOENOSNAP",
      "alias" : "MOE HHs w/No Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "category" : "2010-2014 Households by Other Income (ACS)",
      "description" : "2010-2014 MOE Households Not Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "decimals" : 0,
      "units" : "count"
    }, {
      "datasetID" : "USA_ACS_2016",
      "countryAbbrev" : "US",
      "name" : "RELNOSNAP",
      "alias" : "REL HHs w/No Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "category" : "2010-2014 Households by Other Income (ACS)",
      "description" : "2010-2014 REL Households Not Receiving Food Stamps/SNAP",
      "decimals" : 0,
      "units" : "count"
    } ]
  } ],
  "message": [


• Returns the variables that match the search criteria.


See Also

Business Analyst Server REST Reference