B U S I N E S S   A N A L Y S T   10.5   R E S T   G E O E N R I C H M E N T   T A S K

Geoenrichment Endpoint

Enriches a defined study area.


Availability: Business Analyst web app, Business Analyst Server.


URL Example





studyAreas (required)

Specify a list of input features to be enriched. Type string.

dataCollections (optional)

Specify a list of Data Collections. Type string.

Default: KeyGlobalFacts.

analysisVariables (optional)

Specify a subset of variables to be returned from one or more Data Collections. Type string.

addDerivativeVariables (optional)

Specify an array of string values that describe what derivative variables to include in the output. Type string.

studyAreasOptions (optional)

Specify the enrichment behavior. Type string.

Default: (null or empty).

useData (optional)

Explicitly specify the country or dataset to query. Type string.

Default: (null or empty).

forStorage (optional)

Define if GeoEnrichment output is being stored. Type boolean.

Default: true.

intersectingGeographies (optional)

Explicitly define the geographic layers used to provide geographic context during the enrichment process. Type string.

returnGeometry (optional)

Request the output geometries in the response. Type boolean.

Default: false.

inSR (optional)

Define the input geometries in the studyAreas parameter in a specified spatial reference system. Type string.

Default: 4326.

outSR (optional)

Request the output geometries in a specified spatial reference system. Type string.

Default: 4326.

suppressNullValues (optional)

Return only values that are not NULL in the output response. Type boolean.

Default: false.

f (optional)

Response format. Type string. Available formats: HTML, JSON, XML.

Default: HTML.


Variable of type string containing the ID of a data layer corresponding to the given level of geography.

Example Usage

Enrich a single location defined by latitude and longitude coordinates.





 "results": [
   "paramName": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "dataType": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "value": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "FeatureSet": [
      "displayFieldName": "",
      "fieldAliases": {
       "ID": "ID",
       "OBJECTID": "Object ID",
       "sourceCountry": "sourceCountry",
       "areaType": "areaType",
       "bufferUnits": "bufferUnits",
       "bufferUnitsAlias": "bufferUnitsAlias",
       "bufferRadii": "bufferRadii",
       "aggregationMethod": "aggregationMethod",
       "HasData": "HasData",
       "TOTPOP": "Total Population",
       "TOTHH": "Total Households",
       "AVGHHSZ": "Average Household Size",
       "TOTMALES": "Male Population",
       "TOTFEMALES": "Female Population"
      "spatialReference": {
       "wkid": 4326,
       "latestWkid": 4326
      "fields": [
        "name": "ID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "ID",
        "length": 256
        "name": "OBJECTID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
        "alias": "Object ID"
        "name": "sourceCountry",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "sourceCountry",
        "length": 256
        "name": "areaType",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "areaType",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferUnits",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "bufferUnits",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferUnitsAlias",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "bufferUnitsAlias",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferRadii",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "bufferRadii"
        "name": "aggregationMethod",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "aggregationMethod",
        "length": 256
        "name": "HasData",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
        "alias": "HasData"
        "name": "TOTPOP",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTPOP",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTHH",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Households",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTHH",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "AVGHHSZ",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Average Household Size",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.AVGHHSZ",
        "component": "scripts",
        "decimals": 2,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Male Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTFEMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Female Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTFEMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
      "features": [
        "attributes": {
         "ID": "0",
         "OBJECTID": 1,
         "sourceCountry": "US",
         "areaType": "RingBuffer",
         "bufferUnits": "esriMiles",
         "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile",
         "bufferRadii": 1,
         "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups",
         "HasData": 1,
         "TOTPOP": 12542,
         "TOTHH": 4940,
         "AVGHHSZ": 2.52,
         "TOTMALES": 6027,
         "TOTFEMALES": 6516
 "messages": []


Enrich a single area defined by a polygon feature.


http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/World/geoenrichmentserver/GeoEnrichment/enrich?StudyAreas=[{"geometry":{"rings":[[[-117.26,32.81],[-117.40,32.92],[-117.12,32.80],[-117.26,32.81]]],"spatialReference":{"wkid":4326}},"attributes":{"id":"Polygon 1","name":"Optional Name 1"}}]&f=pjson



 "results": [
   "paramName": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "dataType": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "value": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "FeatureSet": [
      "displayFieldName": "",
      "fieldAliases": {
       "ID_0": "ID_0",
       "OBJECTID": "Object ID",
       "sourceCountry": "sourceCountry",
       "name": "name",
       "id": "id",
       "aggregationMethod": "aggregationMethod",
       "HasData": "HasData",
       "TOTPOP": "Total Population",
       "TOTHH": "Total Households",
       "AVGHHSZ": "Average Household Size",
       "TOTMALES": "Male Population",
       "TOTFEMALES": "Female Population"
      "spatialReference": {
       "wkid": 4326,
       "latestWkid": 4326
      "fields": [
        "name": "ID_0",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "ID_0",
        "length": 256
        "name": "OBJECTID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
        "alias": "Object ID"
        "name": "sourceCountry",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "sourceCountry",
        "length": 256
        "name": "name",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "name",
        "length": 256
        "name": "id",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "id",
        "length": 256
        "name": "aggregationMethod",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "aggregationMethod",
        "length": 256
        "name": "HasData",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
        "alias": "HasData"
        "name": "TOTPOP",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTPOP",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTHH",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Households",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTHH",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "AVGHHSZ",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Average Household Size",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.AVGHHSZ",
        "component": "scripts",
        "decimals": 2,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Male Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTFEMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Female Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTFEMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
      "features": [
        "attributes": {
         "ID_0": "0",
         "OBJECTID": 1,
         "sourceCountry": "US",
         "name": "Optional Name 1",
         "id": "Polygon 1",
         "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups",
         "HasData": 1,
         "TOTPOP": 83634,
         "TOTHH": 34035,
         "AVGHHSZ": 2.43,
         "TOTMALES": 41198,
         "TOTFEMALES": 42436
 "messages": []


Enrich a single area defined by a named administrative boundary area and include the associated geometry in the response.





 "results": [
   "paramName": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "dataType": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "value": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "FeatureSet": [
      "displayFieldName": "",
      "fieldAliases": {
       "ID": "ID",
       "OBJECTID": "Object ID",
       "StdGeographyLevel": "StdGeographyLevel",
       "StdGeographyName": "StdGeographyName",
       "StdGeographyID": "StdGeographyID",
       "sourceCountry": "sourceCountry",
       "aggregationMethod": "aggregationMethod",
       "HasData": "HasData",
       "TOTPOP": "Total Population",
       "TOTHH": "Total Households",
       "AVGHHSZ": "Average Household Size",
       "TOTMALES": "Male Population",
       "TOTFEMALES": "Female Population"
      "geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon",
      "spatialReference": {
       "wkid": 4326,
       "latestWkid": 4326
      "fields": [
        "name": "ID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "ID",
        "length": 256
        "name": "OBJECTID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
        "alias": "Object ID"
        "name": "StdGeographyLevel",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "StdGeographyLevel",
        "length": 256
        "name": "StdGeographyName",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "StdGeographyName",
        "length": 256
        "name": "StdGeographyID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "StdGeographyID",
        "length": 256
        "name": "sourceCountry",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "sourceCountry",
        "length": 256
        "name": "aggregationMethod",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "aggregationMethod",
        "length": 256
        "name": "HasData",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
        "alias": "HasData"
        "name": "TOTPOP",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTPOP",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTHH",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Households",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTHH",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "AVGHHSZ",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Average Household Size",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.AVGHHSZ",
        "component": "scripts",
        "decimals": 2,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Male Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTFEMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Female Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTFEMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
      "features": [
        "attributes": {
         "ID": "0",
         "OBJECTID": 1,
         "StdGeographyLevel": "US.Counties",
         "StdGeographyName": "San Bernardino County",
         "StdGeographyID": "06071",
         "sourceCountry": "US",
         "aggregationMethod": "Query:US.Counties",
         "HasData": 1,
         "TOTPOP": 2118866,
         "TOTHH": 628314,
         "AVGHHSZ": 3.31,
         "TOTMALES": 1054127,
         "TOTFEMALES": 1064739
        "geometry": {
         "rings": [


 "messages": []




Enrich a single location defined by latitude and longitude coordinates. Instead of the default 1-mile ring buffer, generate a drive time service area.


http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/World/geoenrichmentserver/GeoEnrichment/enrich?studyareas=[{"geometry":{"x": -122.435, "y": 37.785},"areaType": "NetworkServiceArea","bufferUnits": "Minutes","bufferRadii": [5],"travel_mode":"Driving"}]&f=pjson



 "results": [
   "paramName": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "dataType": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "value": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "FeatureSet": [
      "displayFieldName": "",
      "fieldAliases": {
       "ID": "ID",
       "OBJECTID": "Object ID",
       "sourceCountry": "sourceCountry",
       "areaType": "areaType",
       "bufferUnits": "bufferUnits",
       "bufferUnitsAlias": "bufferUnitsAlias",
       "bufferRadii": "bufferRadii",
       "aggregationMethod": "aggregationMethod",
       "HasData": "HasData",
       "TOTPOP": "Total Population",
       "TOTHH": "Total Households",
       "AVGHHSZ": "Average Household Size",
       "TOTMALES": "Male Population",
       "TOTFEMALES": "Female Population"
      "spatialReference": {
       "wkid": 4326,
       "latestWkid": 4326
      "fields": [
        "name": "ID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "ID",
        "length": 256
        "name": "OBJECTID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
        "alias": "Object ID"
        "name": "sourceCountry",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "sourceCountry",
        "length": 256
        "name": "areaType",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "areaType",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferUnits",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "bufferUnits",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferUnitsAlias",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "bufferUnitsAlias",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferRadii",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "bufferRadii"
        "name": "aggregationMethod",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "aggregationMethod",
        "length": 256
        "name": "HasData",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
        "alias": "HasData"
        "name": "TOTPOP",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTPOP",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTHH",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Households",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTHH",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "AVGHHSZ",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Average Household Size",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.AVGHHSZ",
        "component": "scripts",
        "decimals": 2,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Male Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTFEMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Female Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTFEMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
      "features": [
        "attributes": {
         "ID": "0",
         "OBJECTID": 1,
         "sourceCountry": "US",
         "areaType": "NetworkServiceArea",
         "bufferUnits": "minutes",
         "bufferUnitsAlias": "Drive Time minutes",
         "bufferRadii": 5,
         "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups",
         "HasData": 1,
         "TOTPOP": 70070,
         "TOTHH": 37874,
         "AVGHHSZ": 1.79,
         "TOTMALES": 34018,
         "TOTFEMALES": 36052
 "messages": []


Enrich a single location defined by a single-line address with attributes defined in a specified Data Collection.


http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/World/geoenrichmentserver/GeoEnrichment/enrich?StudyAreas=[{"address":{"text":"380 New York St Redlands CA 92373"}}]&f=pjson



 "results": [
   "paramName": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "dataType": "GeoEnrichmentResult",
   "value": {
    "version": "2.0",
    "FeatureSet": [
      "displayFieldName": "",
      "fieldAliases": {
       "ID": "ID",
       "OBJECTID": "Object ID",
       "sourceCountry": "sourceCountry",
       "X": "X",
       "Y": "Y",
       "areaType": "areaType",
       "bufferUnits": "bufferUnits",
       "bufferUnitsAlias": "bufferUnitsAlias",
       "bufferRadii": "bufferRadii",
       "aggregationMethod": "aggregationMethod",
       "HasData": "HasData",
       "TOTPOP": "Total Population",
       "TOTHH": "Total Households",
       "AVGHHSZ": "Average Household Size",
       "TOTMALES": "Male Population",
       "TOTFEMALES": "Female Population"
      "spatialReference": {
       "wkid": 4326,
       "latestWkid": 4326
      "fields": [
        "name": "ID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "ID",
        "length": 256
        "name": "OBJECTID",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
        "alias": "Object ID"
        "name": "sourceCountry",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "sourceCountry",
        "length": 256
        "name": "X",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "X"
        "name": "Y",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Y"
        "name": "areaType",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "areaType",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferUnits",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "bufferUnits",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferUnitsAlias",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "bufferUnitsAlias",
        "length": 256
        "name": "bufferRadii",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "bufferRadii"
        "name": "aggregationMethod",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeString",
        "alias": "aggregationMethod",
        "length": 256
        "name": "HasData",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeInteger",
        "alias": "HasData"
        "name": "TOTPOP",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTPOP",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTHH",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Total Households",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTHH",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "AVGHHSZ",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Average Household Size",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.AVGHHSZ",
        "component": "scripts",
        "decimals": 2,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Male Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
        "name": "TOTFEMALES",
        "type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
        "alias": "Female Population",
        "fullName": "KeyGlobalFacts.TOTFEMALES",
        "component": "demographics",
        "decimals": 0,
        "units": "count"
      "features": [
        "attributes": {
         "ID": "0",
         "OBJECTID": 1,
         "sourceCountry": "US",
         "X": -121.98618129602932,
         "Y": 37.35651377079495,
         "areaType": "RingBuffer",
         "bufferUnits": "esriMiles",
         "bufferUnitsAlias": "mile",
         "bufferRadii": 1,
         "aggregationMethod": "BlockApportionment:US.BlockGroups",
         "HasData": 1,
         "TOTPOP": 38231,
         "TOTHH": 13811,
         "AVGHHSZ": 2.77,
         "TOTMALES": 19181,
         "TOTFEMALES": 19050
 "messages": []


See Also

Business Analyst Server REST Reference