ArcPad Scripting Object Model
StatusBar Property
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Application Object : StatusBar Property

Glossary Item Box


Returns a reference to the global StatusBar object.

Property type

Read-only property


Set variable = object.StatusBar

Return Type

StatusBar Object


The Properties property is used to get or set various Application properties. Some of these properties are read-only and some are read/write. The following properties are supported:
Name Description Return Type Read-only or read/write
BuildNumber The build number of the ArcPad application. Long Read-only
MajorVersion The major version of the ArcPad application. Long Read-only
MinorVersion The minor version of the ArcPad application. Long Read-only
ProductVersion The complete version of the ArcPad application. String Read-only
Revision The revision of the ArcPad application. Long Read-only
SavePrompt Determines whether the save map prompt is displayed when closing the current map or exiting ArcPad. Default is True. Boolean Read/write
Here's an example of reading the Properties property:

       Application.MessageBox Application.Properties("ProductVersion"), apInformation, "ArcPad Version"

See Also

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