ArcPad Scripting Object Model
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Syntaxes are included in individual method or property pages to demonstrate how to use the method or property in scripts.

Here are some syntax examples.

1. syntax for Applet object’s Execute method:

  object.Execute ( Script )

object” stands for an object expression that this method is applied to, which is the Applet object in this case. “Script” is the parameter that is required to be used with this method.

2. syntax for Applet object’s Forms property:

  Set variable = object.Forms

"object” stands for an object expression that this property is applied to, which is the Applet object in this case. “variable” is a variable declared as a Forms object.

3. syntax for Application object’s Caption property:

object.Caption = [ value ]

“object” stands for an object expression that this property is applied to, which is the Application object in this case. “variable” is a string that specifies the text. So whenever Application's Caption property is called, its return value is “string”.


All ArcPad Constants are the properties of the Global interface.



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