ArcPad Scripting Object Model
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ArcPad Scripting Object Model


There are thirteen object groups in the ArcPad Scripting Object Model.

The Global object holds all constants used globally in ArcPad.

The Application objects consist of the Application, Map, Layer, Layers, Navigation, Preferences, Symbol, TextSymbol, and Font objects.

The Application Frame objects consist of the ToolBars, ToolBar, ToolItem, and StatusBar objects.

The Form objects consist of the Forms, Form, Pages, Page, Controls, and Control objects.

The Applet objects consist of the Applets and Applet objects.

The Extension objects consist of the Extensions and Extension objects.

The Data Access objects consist of the DataSource, RecordSet, Fields, and Field objects.

The Coordinate System objects consist of only the CoordSys object.

The Communication objects consist of the AUX, Console, Image, Multimedia, GPS, Rangefinder, Satellites, and Satellite objects.

The Geometric objects consist of the Ellipse, Points, Point, Line, Polygon, Parts, and Rectangle objects.

The Event objects consists of the ThisEvent object.

The Internet objects consist of the ArcIMS, FTP, and INET objects.

The Utility objects consist of the Archive, CommonDialog, File, Timer, and System objects.


Class ModuleDescription


An Applet object represents an ArcPad applet.



The Applets object represents a collection of all the applets currently loaded into ArcPad. There is only one Applets object.

ApplicationApplication Class


The Application object represents the ArcPad application. This is the highest level object. There is only one Application object.



An Archive object provides platform independent access to ZIP archive files. An Archive object is a creatable object in ArcPad. Here's an example of creating a new Archive object:

Dim myZip
Set myZip = Application.CreateAppObject("Archive")

ArcIMSArcIMS Class


An ArcIMS object allows you to access an ArcIMS Spatial Server from within ArcPad. An ArcIMS object is a creatable object in ArcPad. Here's an example of creating a new ArcIMS object:

Dim myArcIMS
Set myArcIMS = Application.CreateAppObject("arcims")



The AUX object provides access to ArcPad's auxillary serial (AUX) port. This allows you to access devices connected to a serial port without the need to use ActiveX objects. The communications parameters of the AUX port are defined using ArcPad's Options dialog, and cannot be configured via the AUX object. There is only one AUX object.

CommonDialogCommon Dialogs


The CommonDialog object provides a way to display standard dialog boxes for operations that are common to most applications. You can display the standard Open and Save As dialog boxes, as well as a Color Picker dialog box. You can also toggle the Soft Input Panel on CE devices.



The Console object exposes a "Debug Window" that can be used to help debug scripts, or display messages for an application. ArcPad events and internal debug and timing messages can also be enabled in the Console. There is only one Console object.

ControlControl Class


A Control object represents a control on a form. There are several types of control objects: Label, Edit, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, UpDown, ComboBox, ListBox, DateTime, Slider, and ImageBox. Typical interaction with control objects will involve field initialization, data validation, and calculation of values using one or more fields.



A Controls object represents a collection of all the Control objects on a particular Page of a Form.

CoordSysCoordinate System


A CoordSys object represents a coordinate system used in ArcPad. This includes the geographic coordinate system, projected coordinate system, and their components. A CoordSys object is a creatable object in ArcPad. Here's an example of creating a new CoordSys object:

Dim myCoordSys
Set myCoordSys = Application.CreateAppObject("coordsys")



A DataSource object represents the schema and data of an AXF file and can execute SQL commands against the AXF file. A DataSource object is a creatable object in ArcPad. Here's an example of creating a new DataSource object using VBScript:

Dim myDS
Set myDS = Application.CreateAppObject("DataSource")



An Ellipse object represents an elliptical geometric shape. An Ellipse object is a creatable object in ArcPad. Here's an example of creating a new Ellipse object:

Dim pEllipse
Set pEllipse = Application.CreateAppObject("ellipse")



An Extension object represents an ArcPad extension.



The Extensions object represents a collection of all the extensions currently loaded into ArcPad. There is only one Extensions object.



A Field object represents a column of data within a RecordSet with a common data type and a common set of properties.



A Fields object is a collection of all Field objects in a RecordSet object.



A File object provides platform independent access to files, with support for both binary and text data. A File object is a creatable object in ArcPad. Here's an example of creating a new File object:

Dim myFile
Set myFile = Application.CreateAppObject("file")



A Font object contains information needed to format text for display. It is commonly used with the Symbol and TextSymbol objects.

FormForm Class


A Form object represents an ArcPad form. This can be an Edit Form, Identify Form, or General Form.



A Forms object represents the collection of all the Form objects in a Layer, Applet, or the ArcPad Application.



An FTP object provides access to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) operations, such as sending or retrieving files from an FTP server.

GlobalThe global object's properties provides access to all ArcPad constants.


The GPS object provides access to a GPS receiver attached to ArcPad's GPS serial port. The communications parameters of the GPS port are defined using the ArcPad Options dialog box, and cannot be configured via the GPS object. There is only one GPS object.



An Image object represents an image that supports EXIF tags.

INetInternet Class


An INET object allows you to open a connection to the internet from within ArcPad.

LayerLayer Class


A Layer object represents a data layer on a Map. This can be a Feature layer, an Image layer, or an ArcIMS layer.



A Layers object represents the collection of all data layers present in the current Map. There is only one Layers object.



A Line object represents a geometric shape that has two or more vertices. A Line may have one or more discontinuous Parts. A Line with two or more Parts is known as a multi-part Line.

MapMap Class


The Map object represents the currently open ArcPad Map. The Map object contains a collection of Layers that make up the Map. There is only one Map object.



The Multimedia object provides access to attached multimedia devices. There is only one Multimedia object.

NavigationNavigation Class


The Navigation object provides access to GPS navigation in ArcPad. There is only one Navigation object.

PagePage Class


A Page object represents a particular Page of an ArcPad Form. The Form can be an Edit Form, Identify Form, or General Form



Collection of all the Page objects in a Form.



A Parts object is a collection of the Points objects that make up the parts of a Polygon or Line object. Most Polygons or Lines are single part shapes, and have a Parts collection containing a single Points object. This represents the vertices of the shape. Multi-part shapes are used to represent multi-part features as single entities, such as the islands of Hawaii or a road that is broken into several, discontinuous segments. The Points objects returned from a Parts collection are direct references to the vertices of each part of the Line or Polygon feature. This means that you can directly access and change a Point representing an individual vertex.



A Point object represents a geometric shape that consists of a single point in space. A Point object can be used to represent a single point feature, one of the points in a multipoint feature, or one of the vertices of a line or polygon feature.



A Points object is a shape that represents a set of points in space. A Points object is a collection of Point objects, and can be used to represent a MultiPoint shape or the vertices of a part of a Line or Polygon.



A Polygon object represents a geometric shape that has three or more vertices and forms a closed ring. A Polygon may consist of one or more discontinuous Parts. A Polygon with two or more Parts is a known as a multi-part Polygon.



The Preferences object provides access to settings exposed in the ArcPad Options dialog box.



The Rangefinder object provides access to a laser rangefinder attached to ArcPad's Rangefinder serial port. The communications parameters of the Rangefinder port are defined using the ArcPad Options dialog box, and cannot be configured via the Rangefinder object. There is only one Rangefinder object.



A RecordSet object represents the entire set of records from a layer's database table (shapefile or AXF layer) or a stand-alone database table. At any given time, the RecordSet object refers only to a single record within the set as the current record.



A Rectangle object represents a geometric shape with four edges and four right angles. Rectangle objects are returned by the Extent property of various objects.



A Satellite object represents a GPS satellite tracked by ArcPad.



The Satellites object is a collection of Satellite objects handed out by the GPS object.

StatusBarStatusBar Class


The StatusBar object represents the ArcPad status bar, which is located at the bottom of the ArcPad window. There is only one StatusBar object.



A Symbol object consists of attributes that control how a graphic shape is displayed. It is commonly used with the DrawShape method of the Map object to render a shape on the screen. Depending on the kind of shape you're working with, you can set various properties that control the shape's display; for example, if the shape is a Line, you can use the LineStyle property to display the line with a solid, dashed, dotted, etc. pattern.



The System object provides information about the system that ArcPad is currently running on and provides a way to communicate with other applications running on the system. There is only one System object.



A TextSymbol object consists of attributes that control how text is displayed. It is commonly used with the DrawText method of the Map object to render text on the screen.



The ThisEvent object represents the ArcPad event that is occurring at a particular time. The ThisEvent object allows an event handler routine to access properties for the current event and pass back values to the object invoking the event.

TimerTimer ClassThe Timer object represents a global timer. There is only one Timer object.An OnTimer event is fired by the Application object at the Timer Interval when the Timer object is enabled.


A ToolBar object represents an ArcPad toolbar, and is a collection of toolitems (buttons). This can be a default toolbar as well as a user-defined toolbar.



A ToolBar object represents an ArcPad toolbar, and is a collection of toolitems (buttons). This can be a default toolbar as well as a user-defined toolbar.

ToolItemToolItem Class


A ToolItem object represents a tool item on a toolbar or a menu item in a tool item's dropdown list. It is also a collection of ToolItem objects (all menu items in a dropdown list). User-defined scripts can be called when ToolItem events occur.

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