
The Camera tab is used to choose the camera to be used by ArcPad, as well as to specify the file name and settings to be used when capturing pictures.



Choose the camera to be used by ArcPad.

The chosen camera and camera settings are used in the following places:

Only cameras that are supported on the device are listed in the Camera drop-down list.

By default, the ArcPad Camera is selected.

Picture Quality

Use the slider to specify the picture quality for the photo (JPEG) image file. The range of the picture quality is from 50% to 100%. The default is 75%.

Default Pictures Path

Tap NO ALT TEXT to specify the default folder for saving stand-alone photos, i.e. photos that are taken using the stand-alone camera tool on the QuickCapture toolbar. Photos taken using the Camera tool on the Pictures tab of the Feature Properties dialog box are automatically saved in the same folder as the associated shapefile or AXF.

The default is \My Documents\My Pictures folder.

Filename Prefix

Enter the prefix to use for the file name of the photo captured with the Camera tool on the QuickCapture toolbar.

The file names for photos captured with the Camera tool on the Picture tab of the Feature Properties dialog box use the selected field name for the prefix.

The default prefix is Photo.


If your feature class does not contain a text field that can be selected to store the photo name (and therefor provide the prefix for the file), the filename prefix defined on this options dialog, will be used to prefix the filename.


Choose the button (on Windows Mobile and Windows CE devices) or function key (on PCs) to be used as a shortcut for starting the stand-alone Camera tool. The correct button or function key will be specific for each device.

The default is blank.

Date/time in filename

When checked, the file name for any photo taken consists of the date and time added to the prefix (for stand-alone photos) or field name (for photos associated with a feature), using the following conventions: Prefix_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.jpg FIELDNAME_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.jpg

When unchecked, the file name for the photo is Prefix_nnnn.jpg or FIELDNAME_nnnn.jpg, where “nnnn” is a sequential unique number.

The default is unchecked.
