
The Legend tab lists all the layers in the ArcPad map as well as the symbology defined for each layer. The visibility of the layers can be turned on or off, and the symbology for the layer can be changed by double-tapping a layer to open the Symbology Properties dialog box for the layer.


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Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button on the first row of the legend shows the legend for all layers.

Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button has the same effect. Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button to the left of a layer shows the legend for the corresponding layer. Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button on the first row of the legend hides the legend for all layers. Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button to the left of a layer hides the legend for the corresponding layer.

Double-tapping a layer also shows or hides the legend for the layer.


Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button on the first row of the legend toggles the visibility for all layers on or off.

Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button to the left of a layer toggles the visibility for the corresponding layer on or off.

Tapping the NO ALT TEXT button to the left of a layer’s symbol toggles the visibility for the corresponding layer symbol on or off.
