Step 1: Verify system requirements

The system specifications, including hardware requirements, supported operating systems, and Web servers that are required to run ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform on UNIX/Linux, are available at Visit, select Software > ArcGIS Server > System Requirements, then verify that your machine meets system requirements before installing ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform.

Supported operating systems


The X Windows environment must be installed to use ArcGIS Server. X Windows is usually installed by default with the operating system.

Remote installations

To install ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform remotely using the setup program dialog boxes, run the command xhost + to enable the X Windows display of a remote machine before running the setup program. On the machine used to view the setup program dialog boxes, set the DISPLAY environment variable to this machine.

Disk space requirements


2.8 GB


2.9 GB

Temp space requirements

The ArcGIS Server setup program requires temporary space for the extraction of installer resources.


194 MB


174 MB

By default, installer resources are extracted to the system /tmp directory. If the required space is not available in the /tmp directory, the setup program will attempt to extract installer resources to the user's HOME directory. If the required space is not available in the user's HOME directory, the setup program will report an error indicating this problem.

You may specify an alternate /tmp location by setting the following environment variable:

For c shell:

$ setenv IATEMPDIR /your/temp/space/directory

For bourne shell:

$ IATEMPDIR=/your/temp/space/directory

$ export IATEMPDIR

If the directory indicated by IATEMPDIR does not exist, the setup program will report an error indicating this problem.

Interaction between ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform 10 and ArcGIS products previous to 10

If the following products are installed on your machine and are a version previous to 10, they must be uninstalled before proceeding with the ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform setup:

ArcInfo Workstation

ArcReader stand-alone


ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS Server Java ADF

ArcGIS Engine Runtime

ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit

The ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform setup will display a dialog box if conflicting versions of these products exist on your machine. If so, you must uninstall these products, then run the ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform setup again to proceed with your installation.

Additional system requirements

The following are additional system requirements for the GIS Server (SOC and SOM).


Python 2.6.5 is required to support certain core geoprocessing tools. It is recommended that Python 2.6.5 is installed by the ArcGIS Server setup. Python 2.6.5 is included with the SOC installation feature.


ArcGIS Server for the Java Platform also requires OpenGL version 1.5 or higher. For Linux, XFree86 satisfies this requirement. The Red Hat distribution includes the XFree86 package.

ArcGIS Authorization file

Each ArcGIS server object container machine requires an authorization file. See To obtain an authorization file for more information. Each new version of ArcGIS Server requires a new authorization file.


Ports 135, 3774, 8099, 2099, 8399, and 62000 should be available and open.

Edit the /etc/hosts file

The /etc/hosts file must contain a specific entry for ArcGIS Server. This entry should be separate from the localhost entry and on its own line in the hosts file. The entry should have the following format:

<IP address> <machine name> <fully qualified domain name>

For example, arcgisserver

This allows the hostname command to return the Fully Qualified Domain Name, which is required by the Sun Directory Server embedded in ArcGIS Server to manage the local server user database.

DNS hostname entry

ArcGIS Server must be installed on a machine that has a DNS hostname entry. This can require that the system administrators for the site add an entry to a name server in their network and that this name server be listed in the /etc/resolv.conf configuration file on the system.

Changing regional settings (locale) for ArcGIS Server

To setup Regional Settings (locale) on UNIX for ArcGIS Server, see the ESRI Knowledge Base Article 29495.

Installing regional fonts

To install fonts specific to your region, follow these steps:

  1. Set the Regional Setting using mwcontrol. See the ESRI Knowledge Base Article 29495 for more information.
  2. Copy the font into $MWHOME/fonts

Installation Guidelines

Published 6/24/2010