WorkFlow task


This sample shows how to create a new task with the Windows application framework. When the task is tapped, the application will navigate to different pages based on certain criteria. The sample demonstrates how to make your task more versatile for different use scenarios. It also shows how to leverage the transition method provided by the MobileApplication class for seamless page navigation through a workflow.

Products: ArcGIS Mobile

Platforms: Windows

Requires: Visual Studio 2008 (SP1), .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1)

How to use

  1. Open the project within Visual Studio 2008 and load the sample project. Refer to the "Setting up development environment" section for how to set up your development machine.
  2. Compile the project and deploy the assembly to your mobile device or emulator. Refer to the "Deploying extensions" section for more information.
  3. Build and deploy the Mobile Project assembly file (comes with the sample project) to the <ArcGIS Mobile installation path>\bin\Extensions folder on your desktop where you will author your mobile project with the Mobile Project Center application.
  4. In Mobile Project Center, add Work Flow Task1 and Work Flow Task2 to your project on the Tasks tab.
  5. Deploy your mobile project.
  6. Start the Windows application and open the mobile project. On the Select Task page, you will see two new tasks. Work Flow Task1 navigates you from page 1 to page 2, then page 3; Work Flow Task2 navigates you to page 1 or page 2 depending on a condition.
  7. Tap Finish on page 3 to navigate to the task list page.

Where to get the sample

The sample is available for download.
