ESRI.ArcGIS.Mobile.Client Namespace
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ClassApplicationExtension Base class for building application extensions.
ClassApplicationSettings Class that encapsulates settings for the ArcGIS Mobile Application.
ClassCheckableCommandParameter CheckableCommandParameter is used convey an IsChecked state from a command to its attached control (e.g., ToggleButton, MenuItem). It is passed as the CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs.Parameter property in the CanExecute handler. Using CheckableCommandParameter requires two steps: (1) Pass an instance of CheckableCommandParameter as the CommandParameter of the control (e.g., ToggleButton) and bind the controls IsChecked property to the CheckableCommandParameter.IsChecked property. (2) Update the CheckableCommandParameter.IsChecked property in your commands CanExecute handler. private void MyCommand_CanExecute(object sender, System.Windows.Input.CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { e.CanExecute = ...; CheckableCommandParameter checkable = e.Parameter as CheckableCommandParameter; if (checkable != null) checkable.IsChecked = ...; }
ClassGeneric CheckableItem Helper class that wraps any object in a DependencyObject with an IsChecked DependencyProperty, which allows it to be added to an ItemsControl (e.g., ListBox) and bind to the IsChecked property.
ClassCompletedEventArgs Holds event data for a completed event.
ClassDataColumnFeatureAttribute Feature attribute that corresponds to a single data column within a feature data row.
ClassDataSourceInfo Class that contains information about a data source for Xml Serialization purposes.
ClassDataTemplateRequestedEventArgs Event arguments for the DataTemplateRequested event.
ClassEditableField Represents the EditableField class.
ClassEditableFieldCollection Represents a collection of EditableFields.
ClassExtendedProperty Base class for Extended Properties in the MobileApplication.
ClassExtension Base class for extensions in the MobileApplication.
ClassGeneric ExtensionCollection Base class for extension collections.
ClassFeature Class that wraps attributes of a FeatureDataRow. It also adds properties such as FeatureType and Swatch, which are not taken directly from the FeatureDataRow. This class is very useful for databinding.
ClassFeatureAddedEventArgs EventArgs used when a FeatureAdded event occurs.
ClassFeatureAttribute Abstract class that represents some attribute of a feature. It acts as a convenient mechanism to display and edit the value of the attribute value using data binding.
ClassFeatureCollection Class useful for maintaining a list of features that could possibly be from different FeatureDataTables.
ClassGeneric FeatureCollection Class useful for maintaining a list of features that could possibly be from different FeatureDataTables.
ClassFeatureDeletedEventArgs EventArgs that are used when a FeatureDeleted event occurs.
ClassFeatureEventArgs Event arguments passed for feature-related events.
ClassFeatureLayerInfo Class that encapsulates properties about a FeatureLayer's behavior in the ArcGIS Mobile Application.
ClassFeatureModifedEventArgs EventArgs that are used when a FeatureModified event occurs.
ClassField Class that encapsulates some information of a Field in a FeatureLayer.
ClassFieldAlias Class that encapsulates a field name and it's alias.
ClassFieldAliasCollection Collection of FieldAlias objects.
ClassFieldCollection Collection of Field objects.
ClassGpsAveragingSettings Class that encapsulates settings of how GPS averaging should occur.
ClassLayerInfo Absctract info class for MobileCahce Layer
ClassLayerInfoCollection Collection of FeatureLayerInfo objects.
ClassMobileApplication The MobileApplication is the primary 'hook' into the mobile application for extensions. It is a singleton object that can not be created but is obtained via the Current static property.
ClassMobileApplicationPage Base class implementation of IPage that is also a UserControl.
ClassMobileCacheInfo Class that contains information about a MobileCache for Xml Serialization purposes.
ClassGeneric MostRecentlyUsedList An ordered collection of most recently used (MRU) items. Items are added to the beginning of the list (index [0]). If an item added to the list already exists in the list, the existing item is removed from the list and the item is added to the beginning of the list. The size of the list may be constrained by specifying a maximum size parameter in the constructor. A MaxSize of zero (0) indicates there is no size restriction.
ClassObservableObject Base class for classes that need to implement INotifyPropertyChanged.
ClassPackageItemInfo Package Item Info class
ClassPageNavigationCommand Command class that implements IPageNavigationCommand.
ClassPictureFeatureAttribute Feature attribute that corresponds to a single picture data column within a feature data row.
ClassProject Represents a Project in the ArcGIS Mobile Application
ClassProjectExtension Base class for building project extensions.
ClassProjectFile Class that encapsulates properties of a project .amp file.
ClassRasterLayerInfo Class that encapsulates properties about a RasterLaye's behavior in the ArcGIS Mobile Application.
ClassRelayCommand Helper class that provides an ICommand implementation using delegates, which you pass to its constructor.
ClassRoutedDataTemplateSelector Helper class that allows the DataTemplateSelector logic (i.e., SelectTemplate()) to be implemented by the control/class that contains the template resources, rather than having to create a separate DataTemplateSelector-derived class.
ClassSkinInfo Class used to identify and load skinning resources (i.e., styles, templates, etc.).

A skin is implemented as a directory that contains (at a minimum) a "skin.xaml" file which contains the required WPF resources (e.g., styles, brushes, templates). The skin folder may also contain one or more localized sub-folders, named using the four character culture name (e.g., fr-FR), which may contain either a localized "skin.xaml" file (that overrides the "skin.xaml" file in the parent file) and a skin.xml file that contains a localized name of the skin to display in the UI.

Here is an example of the file structure: ...\ArcGIS\Mobile10.0\bin\Skins\ArcGISMobile\ Daytime\ skin.xaml fr-FR\ skin.xaml skin.xml Nighttime\ skin.xaml fr-FR\ skin.xaml skin.xml

ClassStreetMapLayerInfo Class that contains information about an StreetMapLayer for Xml Serialization purposes.
ClassTask Base class for building project Tasks.
ClassTileCacheMapLayerInfo Class that contains information about an TileCacheMapLayer for Xml Serialization purposes.
ClassTileServiceMapLayerInfo Class that contains information about an TileServiceMapLayer for Xml Serialization purposes.
ClassUICommand Helper class that provides an implementation of the IUICommand using delegates for CanExecute/Execute.
ClassViewableField Represents the ViewableField class.
ClassViewableFieldCollection Represents a collection of ViewableFields.


InterfaceIDynamicXmlSerializable Interface that is used for reading in and writing out Xml. This interface is used when we don't know the structure of the xml and we need to delegate out to a dynamically determined type the xml serialization logic.
InterfaceIGpsConnectionManager Interface that defines functionality of a MobileApplication GpsConnectionManager.
InterfaceILocation ILocation Interface
InterfaceIMobileApplicationDisplay Provides the ability to display a mobile application page within the application window.
InterfaceIPage Exposes properties and methods defining the contents of the page to display within the application window.
InterfaceIPageFooter Exposes properties that describe the page footer.
InterfaceIPageNavigationCommand Optional interface implemented by a command object that allows an application button style to be applied to the command.
InterfaceISettingsPage A settings page that notifies when it is finished being displayed.
InterfaceIStartPage A start page that notifies when it is finished being displayed.
InterfaceIUICommand Command interface that contains a text label and image to display in the user-interface (e.g., on a button).


DelegateCredentialsRequiredCallback Callback to provide (web or token) credentials when connecting to a mobile service.
DelegateDataTemplateRequestedEventHandler Callback for the DataTemplateRequested event.


EnumerationCompletedStatus Describes the status of a completed event.
EnumerationCredentialsType The type of credentials requested in the CredentialsRequiredCallback delegate.
EnumerationFeatureTypeFilter Filter to use when getting FeatureTypes.
EnumerationPageNavigationCommandType Describes the types of page navigation commands (BackCommands, ForwardCommands).

See Also

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