Link to a map

You can share a map by providing the URL to a map that you own or have access to through e-mail, blogs, websites, and social networking sites. You can share a URL to a map itself so that when someone clicks this URL, or pastes it in their browser's address bar, Explorer Online will start with the specified map. Alternatively, if you have your own web site, you can embed a map directly into a web page, in which case it is not displayed by Explorer Online.

You can also share a direct link directly to a presentation in a map, so that when the link is opened, Explorer Online starts ready to run in presentation mode; alternatively you can specify that when other users open a map you own, it is ready to run in presentation mode.

Learn more about linking to a presentation

How to share a link to a map

  1. Find the map you wish to share and open the Share dialog box; if the map is already open, click the Share button on the toolbar; if not already open, then Search for the map in the home screen and click the Share link shown next to the map.

    Share button on toolbarMap summary with Share link in home screen

  2. In the Links section, use one of the options shown next to Map:

    The Links section of the Share dialog box

    • Click the Copy button to copy to the clipboard a URL of a link to the map. You can now paste this URL into an e-mail, instant message or web page.

      You may find a Microsoft Silverlight window appears asking you to allow the application to access your clipboard. To enable URL copying, click Yes. If you do not want to be asked this question again each time you use the clipboard when running ArcGIS Explorer Online, check Remember my answer before clicking Yes.

    • Click the Facebook button to post a status update about the map, including a link to the map. Posting to your profile on Facebook lets your friends learn about your map, and provides them with a link to open it in ArcGIS Explorer Online right away.

      Make sure you're logged in to Facebook; if not, you'll be prompted to login and then you can continue with your post.

    • Click the Twitter button to tweet about the map, including a link in the form of a shortened URL. Tweeting about your map with Twitter lets your followers learn about your map, and provides them with a link to open it in ArcGIS Explorer Online right away.

      Make sure you're logged in to Twitter; if not, you'll be prompted to login and then you can continue with your tweet.

    If the map is not shared publicly, you may receive a warning message indicating that other users may not be able to access the map; if you own the map, you can change the sharing settings.

    Learn more about sharing your map


    If your account is part of an organization, your organization administrator may have removed the ability to share a map publicly with all users of ArcGIS Online. You may see another check box for sharing with the organization; this choice will share the item with all members of your organization, but not with any other users of ArcGIS Online.

Embedding a map in a website

If you have a website, you can embed your map in a web page. Embedding the map into a web page will show the map directly within the web page; the map is not opened using Explorer Online in this case.

In the Embed section of the Share dialog box, click the Embed button.

The Embed section of the Share dialog box

The Share dialog box will now show different options for the display of the embedded map. Select the The map option at the top of the dialog box. After choosing any other options you require, click the Copy button to copy a section of HTML that you can then paste into your web page where you want the map to appear.

Options for embedding a map into a web page


A map embedded in a web page must be shared with everyone, because there is no ability for a user to sign in to see an embedded map. Explorer Online will ask you to share the map publicly before showing options for embedding. If you do not wish to share the map publicly, click the Sharing button at the top of the dialog box to return to the sharing options view of the Share dialog box.

If your account is associated with an organization in ArcGIS Online, sharing the map within the organization is not sufficient to allow it to be embedded in a web page. If your organization is configured to allow you to share maps publically, choosing this option will allow your map to be embedded in a web page.
