ArcGIS Explorer Installation Guide
Minimum system requirements
Microsoft Windows 2000, Service Pack 3 or higher
Microsoft Windows XP, Service Pack 2 or higher
Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Service Packs are optional
Microsoft Windows Vista, Service Pack 1
ArcGIS Explorer requires the following software components:
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is required to install ArcGIS Explorer. The .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed manually to meet the requirement.
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 information can be found at
MSXML 4.0 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is required to install ArcGIS Explorer.
MSMXL 4.0 Service Pack 2 information can be found at
If you are installing ArcGIS Explorer as a user with administrative privileges, the setup will automatically install MSXML 4.0 SP2.
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher is required to install ArcGIS Explorer.
If you do not have an installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6.0, you must obtain and install it prior to installing ArcGIS Explorer.
Additional Software and Development Requirements
An OpenGL 2.0 or higher compliant video card is required, with at least 32 MB of video memory. However, 64 MB of video memory or higher is recommended.
1 GB of RAM is required. 2 GB or higher is recommended.
Intel Pentium
Note: Administrative privileges are required to install Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and MSXML 4.0 SP2. If you are installing ArcGIS Explorer as a user without administrative privileges, the setup will inform you if these required components are not on the target installation machine. |
ArcGIS Explorer can be installed with other ESRI products on your machine, regardless of the product version.
Installing ArcGIS Explorer
Installing on Microsoft Windows Vista When performing an installation on the Vista operating system, the ArcGIS Explorer setup provides the option of a per machine installation or a per user installation. The "Anyone who uses this computer" option executes a per machine installation (administrative privileges required). The "Only for me (user name)" option executes a per user installation. The User Type dialog is only available on Vista. Users installing on other operating systems will NOT see this dialog. |
Before installing ArcGIS Explorer, verify that your system meets the system requirements. If you are downloading ArcGIS Explorer, the installation will start once the download is complete. For all other scenarios, double click Setup.exe to install ArcGIS Explorer.
The ArcGIS Explorer setup offers two types of installation: per machine and per user. Only users installing on Windows Vista will see the User Type dialog that enables the installing user to choose between a per machine or per user installation. On operating systems other than Windows Vista, users with administrative privileges will install ArcGIS Explorer per machine. A user without administrative privileges can only perform a per user installation. A user with administrative privileges can perform a per user installation by using the APPLICATIONUSERS command line parameter. (See command line information below). If the APPLICATIONUSERS command line parameter is not used, the installation will be per machine. The per machine installation type installs ArcGIS Explorer so that any user on that computer can run ArcGIS Explorer. Users without administrative privileges are only able to perform a per user installation. The per user installation type installs ArcGIS Explorer so that only the user installing ArcGIS Explorer can run the application.
ArcGIS Explorer installation type � per machine
With a per machine installation type, anyone who uses the computer will be able to use ArcGIS Explorer. Additionally, no other users will be able to install the application. The default installation location is C:\Program Files\ArcGIS Explorer. However, you can browse to any desired installation location.
ArcGIS Explorer installation type � per user
Administrative privileges are not required to install ArcGIS Explorer for an individual user. The default installation location is the user�s Documents and Settings folder. If the user installing attempts to install to a location that is beyond their privileges, a 1303 error will appear and the installation will abort. The user installing ArcGIS Explorer is the only one that can run the application. Other users must install ArcGIS Explorer from their respective accounts. With this installation type, each user is required to install ArcGIS Explorer individually.
Note: If you intend to install the ArcGIS Explorer Software Developer Kit, ArcGIS Explorer must be installed by a user with administrative privileges. The ArcGIS Explorer SDK installation will not proceed if ArcGIS Explorer has been installed by a user without administrative privileges. |
Upgrading from previous versions
When a new release is available, a prompt will appear during the ArcGIS Explorer start up process indicating an update is available. Click on the �ArcGIS Explorer Download Page� link; access to the ArcGIS Explorer download Web site requires an Internet connection. Follow the instructions on the Web page to download the latest version of ArcGIS Explorer. You will be prompted to save the current open map before ArcGIS Explorer shuts down. After saving your current map (or choosing not to save it), follow the instructions on-screen to complete the upgrade.
If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 9.2.410, you will not be prompted to save your work and may receive a prompt to close ArcGIS Explorer and restart your machine.
The ArcGIS Explorer installation process will uninstall any previous versions found on your machine. If a previous version is installed, a prompt will appear asking if you would like to uninstall it. Click OK to uninstall the older version. After the previous version has been uninstalled, the ArcGIS Explorer installation process will resume and the latest release will be installed on your computer.
Installing ArcGIS Explorer silently
ArcGIS Explorer can be installed without a user interface (UI) by running the setup using Windows Installer command line parameters. If you have downloaded ArcGIS Explorer and are planning to install ArcGIS Explorer silently, see the steps below for extracting ArcGIS Explorer installation files from the Web download.
ArcGIS Explorer command line parameters
The following are the command line parameters to be used when executing the ArcGIS Explorer MSI directly.
Parameter |
Case Sensitive |
Required |
Description |
Yes |
No |
Use this parameter for a per machine installation. This is the default installation type when the installation is performed by a user with administrative privileges. |
Yes |
No |
Use this parameter for a per user installation. This is the only installation type users without administrative privileges are able to perform. |
No |
Yes |
ArcGIS Explorer installation location. If not specified, the default installation location is C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\ArcGIS Explorer |
How to perform an installation of ArcGIS Explorer silently
Run this command to install ArcGIS Explorer to perform a silent per machine installation. This example will install ArcGIS Explorer to C:\ESRI.
Msiexec /I <setup location>\Setup.msi INSTALLDIR=C:\ESRI APPLICATIONUSERS=AllUsers /qb
INSTALLDIR can be used to specify an installation location. The default installation location is the Documents and Settings folder of the user installing ArcGIS Explorer. If you are a user without administrative privileges attempting to install to a location that is beyond your user account privileges, an error will appear stating that you do not have the necessary privileges and the installation will abort.
If you are a user with administrative privileges performing a silent installation, INSTALLDIR must be given a value other than the default installation location. Otherwise, the installation will place ArcGIS Explorer in C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\ArcGIS Explorer, preventing other users from accessing ArcGIS Explorer.
Deploying ArcGIS Explorer
If you are planning to deploy ArcGIS Explorer by setting up a home server configuration that supports client installations of ArcGIS Explorer, refer to the ArcGIS Home Server Help. See the ArcGIS Explorer download Web site for more information. If you are planning to deploy ArcGIS Explorer from the ArcGIS Explorer Web download with deployment tools such as Microsoft Active Directory Group Policy or Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS), you must extract the installation files. If you received ArcGIS Explorer media, the installation files can be used as they are on the media to create packages for deployment.
Steps to extract ArcGIS Explorer installation files
Extracting the ArcGIS Explorer installation files from the ArcGIS Explorer Web download is necessary if you intend to install ArcGIS Explorer silently or if you are planning to deploy ArcGIS Explorer with Group Policy or SMS. ArcGIS Explorer installation files are downloaded to the downloading user's TEMP folder. Access the TEMP folder by opening Windows Explorer and entering %TEMP% for the address, using the same user account that downloaded ArcGIS Explorer. Browse to the %TEMP%\ArcGISExplorer\480 folder and copy all files to a different location of your choice. These are the files used to create deployment packages and perform silent installations. A list of the files in the ArcGIS Explorer Web download is provided below.
Files in the ArcGIS Explorer Web download:
ArcGIS Explorer Install Guide.htm
Uninstalling ArcGIS Explorer silently
To uninstall ArcGIS Explorer silently, run the following command.
Msiexec /X {7B18E7E2-AFCA-4CBE-8CD5-3613315AB262} /qb