Minimum system requirements

For the latest information on system requirements or recommendations, visit .


ArcGIS Explorer Desktop is supported on the following operating systems:


ArcGIS Explorer Desktop requires the following software components:

Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 information can be found at



Administrative privileges are required to install the Microsoft .NET Framework. 


If you do not have an installation of Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 7.0, you must obtain and install it prior to installing ArcGIS Explorer Desktop.

Additional Software and Development Requirements

ArcGIS Explorer Desktop can be installed with other Esri products on your machine. The ArcGIS product versions supported with ArcGIS Explorer Desktop are 9.3, 9.3.1, and 10.


Before Installing ArcGIS Explorer Desktop


It is strongly recommended that you exit all Windows programs before running the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop setup program.

For a successful installation of ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, existing ArcGIS Products installed on your machine must be closed and ArcGIS Services must be stopped.

After ArcGIS Explorer Desktop is installed, remember to restart any ArcGIS Services that you stopped prior to installing.

Installing ArcGIS Explorer Desktop


Before installing ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, verify that your system meets the system requirements.  If you are downloading ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, the installation will start once the download is complete.  For all other scenarios, double click Setup.exe to install ArcGIS Explorer Desktop.


Installing ArcGIS Explorer Desktop silently


ArcGIS Explorer Desktop can be installed without a user interface (UI) by running the setup using Windows Installer command line parameters. If you have downloaded ArcGIS Explorer Desktop and are planning to install ArcGIS Explorer Desktop silently, see the steps below for extracting ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installation files from the Web download.


ArcGIS Explorer Desktop command line parameters

The following are the command line parameters to be used when executing the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop MSI directly.




Case Sensitive







ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installation location.  If not specified, the default installation location is C:\Program Files\Explorer.


How to perform an installation of ArcGIS Explorer Desktop silently

Run this command to perform a silent per machine installation.  This example will install ArcGIS Explorer Desktop to C:\Esri.


Msiexec /I <setup location>\Setup.msi INSTALLDIR=C:\Esri /qb 


Deploying ArcGIS Explorer Desktop


If you are planning to deploy ArcGIS Explorer Desktop from the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Web download with deployment tools such as Microsoft Active Directory Group Policy or Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), you must extract the installation files. If you received ArcGIS Explorer Desktop media, the installation files can be used as they are on the media to create packages for deployment.


Steps to extract ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installation files

Extracting the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installation files from the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Web download is necessary if you intend to install ArcGIS Explorer Desktop silently or if you are planning to deploy ArcGIS Explorer Desktop with Group Policy or SCCM. ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installation files are downloaded to the downloading user's TEMP folder.  Access the TEMP folder by opening Windows Explorer and entering %TEMP% for the address, using the same user account that downloaded ArcGIS Explorer Desktop.  Browse to the %TEMP%\ArcGISExplorer\1750 folder and copy all files to a different location of your choice.  These are the files used to create deployment packages and perform silent installations.  A list of the files in the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Web download is provided below.


Files in the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Web download:

ArcGIS Explorer Desktop Install Guide.htm







Note for silent installations:

Extracting the installation files is only necessary if you downloaded ArcGIS Explorer Desktop. If you received installation media, command line parameters can be executed directly from the setup files located on the media.


Creating a log of the ArcGIS Explorer Desktop installation

Run this command to create a log of the installation.


Msiexec /I <setup location>\setup.msi /L*V C:\ArcGIS_Explorer_Install.log


Uninstalling ArcGIS Explorer Desktop silently 

To uninstall ArcGIS Explorer Desktop silently, run the following command.


Msiexec /X {7B18E7E2-AFCA-4CBE-8CD5-3613315AB262} /qb